Fairport students experience rare opportunity to meet with leaders in Washington, D.C.

Fairport High School students in the Senior Leadership Seminar course meet with a government representative in Washington, D.C. during the Leadership trip in September. This group of students researched infectious diseases.

Each fall, Fairport High School (FHS) students have a rare opportunity to work with government leaders in Washington, D.C. to discuss topics and issues they research as part of a social studies elective course, Senior Leadership Seminar.

The course begins in the summer and requires student groups to begin researching a topic currently facing the nation.


October News & Updates

Dear Fairport School Community:

During October, there will be many events for our school community as we move through Autumn.

As previously mentioned, our District will be developing a comprehensive strategic plan. We are looking for community members to participate in a District Advisory Council that focuses on future planning around: Educational Programming,