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The Eugene School District 4J data network (4JNet) is a combination of physical infrastructure, network equipment, and servers. All of these components work together to provide access to the Internet, administrative and instructional applications, voice services, video services, and a growing number of ancillary services from building security to irrigation systems.

4JNet has 8 major components:

1. 4J Border is the portion of the network that provides private and public peerings and connections with the District’s ISPs.

2. Redundant firewalls and intrusion detection systems are located between the border and the core networks. In addition there are firewalls between the wireless networks and the core network.

3. The 4J Core Network is located at the Education Center in the data center. There is a remote site that connects to the core and this location provides backup of all of the data and system configurations for the data center.

4. The Metro Network is a combination of District owned and leased fiber that connects all but 7 district locations to the Ed Center. A 35 mile fiber ring connects 6 main locations with Ed Center. DWDM equipment at these locations provide 6 GBs of bandwidth in the Metro Network. Each of the six locations is a regional hub that has fiber connections to other schools within the region. All schools connected to a regional hub is connected at 1 Gb/s.

5. 4Jwireless is installed throughout 4 elementary and 4 middle schools. Partial installations are located at the District’s 4 high schools and the Education Center, and COWs (Computers On Wheels) are located at all remaining sites.

6. Building LANs – All 4J schools are wired with either Cat 5e or Cat 6 cabling to all offices and classrooms. A school may have anywhere from 1 to 8 unique network segments. Each of these segments are terminated at one end in an IDF and at the other end in a MDF which connects to a Layer 3 device to form a specific subnet.

7. DNS and DHCP

8. Network Management, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting