The 2016–17 calendar was revised in February 2017 to restore instructional time and balance the school year after schools were closed for several days due to hazardous weather.
First Semester |
(90 days) |
Aug. | 30 | (Tu) | Teachers Report for Duty |
Sept. | 5 | (M) | Labor Day |
Sept. | 6 | (Tu) | No School — Planning Day |
Sept. | 7 | (W) | Classes Begin |
Oct. | 14 | (F) | No School — State In-Service Day |
Nov. | 11 | (F) | No School — Veterans Day |
Nov. | 24–25 | (Th–F) | No School — Thanksgiving Break |
Dec. | 19–Jan. 2 | (M–F) | No School — Winter Break |
Jan. | 3 | (Tu) | No School — Professional Development/Planning Day |
Jan. | 16 | (M) | No School — Martin Luther King Jr. Day |
Feb. | 3 | (F) | No School — Semester Grading Day |
Second Semester |
(83.5 days) |
Feb. | 6 | (M) | Second Semester Begins |
Feb. | 20 | (M) | No School — Presidents Day |
Mar. | 27–31 | (M–F) | No School — Spring Break |
April | 3 | (M) | No School — Professional Development/Planning Day |
May | 5 | (F) | School Day – Hazardous Weather Makeup Day (previously was No School — Professional Development/Planning Day) |
May | 29 | (M) | No School — Memorial Day |
June | 9 | (F) | School Day (previously was No School — Grading/Parent Conference Day) |
June | 16 | (F) | No School — Grading/Parent Conference Day (previously was Possible Last Day for Students) |
June | 19–22 | (M–Th) | School Days — Hazardous Weather Makeup Days |
June | 22 | (Th) | Last Day for Students (Early Release) (if no additional weather makeup days are needed) |
June | 23 | (F) | No School — Grading Day |
Calendar Revised: 4J schools were closed due to snow and ice for three days in December and three days in January. The school calendar was adjusted in February 2017 to restore several missed school days and balance the school year.
Five Days Restored: Four days will be made up at the end of the school year in June. The fifth school day will be restored during the school year, on May 5 at elementary schools. This day was previously scheduled to be a no-school day for teacher planning and professional development.
Other Changes: The June grading and parent conference day has been delayed by one week in the revised calendar.
Weather Days: Additional days missed due to hazardous weather may be made up.
School Variations: Individual school calendars may vary slightly. Please check your school’s calendar for additional early-release or no-school days, such as conference days. Each elementary school may schedule up to five (5) early release days or up to two (2) full days for parent conferences.
Original instructional calendar approved by the Eugene School Board on Apr. 6, 2016. Revised calendar approved on Feb. 1, 2017.