ESL Plan C
  • ¡Están invitados! Actualizaciones sobre el nuevo año escolar - presentado en idioma español a través de Microsoft Teams. Fecha: 3 de septiembre Hora: 6:15pm – 7:15 pm Enlace: 

  • Lunch Lunch With Your Administrator

     Logan Barrier – 6th Grade Administrator

    11:40am – Mars Hill Team

    12:00pm – App State

    To join your administrator for lunch, click on the link above -- the time and name of your team.

     Tim Farrar – 7th Grade Administrator

    11:40am - UNCC

    12:00pm – Pfeiffer

    To join your administrator for lunch, click on the link above -- the time and name of your team.

     Andy Maness – 8th Grade Administrator

    11:40am - UNCW

    12:00pm – ECU

    To join your administrator for lunch, click on the link above -- the time and name of your team.


  • Cabarrus County Schools Plan B Intentions Transition Survey

    Link to Survey




  • All MPMS athletics have been postponed until further notice.

    BOE Votes for Remote Learning 07/23/2020

    The Cabarrus County Board of Education held a Called Meeting on July 23, 2020, and voted 4 to 3 to begin the 2020-2021 school year utilizing full remote learning (Plan C) for all students. The district will continue to monitor health conditions and make a recommendation to the Board so a safe transition to a combination of in-person and remote learning can be made. More information can be found at our District Website.
  • iReady Testing

    “Your student will be taking the iReady Diagnostic assessment(s) on Thursday 9/10 and Tuesday 9/15. If you student is in 6th or 7th grade they will be taking both assessments. If your student is in 8th grade they will only be taking the ELA assessment this Thursday and on Tuesday 9/15 they will have a regular, synchronous school day.

     The iReady assessments are scaffolded, which means that the questions will become more challenging or easier depending on how each student is performing. The program adjusts itself based off the student’s needs and no two tests will be alike. It is very important that you do not assist your student with this assessment so that the teachers can figure out where the gaps are in your student’s education due to COVID-19. There will be questions on this diagnostic that are “too hard” for your student and that is normal, it is scaffolded. Our goal with these diagnostic assessments is to figure out exactly where your student is so that we can tailor our instruction to meet their needs in the coming months.

     Normally these tests would be given in the classroom but due to remote learning we will be monitoring students' computers using Dyknow and students will be required to have their video cameras on for the duration of the assessment. Teachers will be reviewing these expectations this week in homeroom.

     If you have any questions, please contact Logan Barrier, our Dean of Students, or Misty Little, our Skills Plus teacher.”


    Families: Your student will be taking the i-Ready Diagnostic to ensure we have the clearest picture of their current learning needs. You play a crucial role in supporting them. Learn how to help here:

     Familias: Sus estudiantes harán una Evaluación diagnóstica, i-Ready Diagnostic, para asegurarnos de que obtenemos la imagen más clara de cuáles son sus necesidades de aprendizaje actuales. Ustedes juegan un papel crucial para apoyarlos. Conozcan cómo ayudarles aquí:

  • Click on the Link Below to see the Q&A for the start of our new school year!

    One Strong Start FAQ 

    CCS Notice Recording Lessons (English)

    CCS Notice Recording Lessons (Spanish)

    Cabarrus County Schools has moved all of district forms for families online for the 2020-21 school year. All beginning-of-year forms are now available and should be completed by Friday, August 21st. To access these forms, click here.

    Our CCS Technology Department is working through the complicated logistics of ensuring that our 33,000+ students in CCS have internet connectivity to successfully engage in remote learning. At this point, there are a very limited number of hotspots (approx. 350) available in our school district. For that reason, we are asking that as many students as possible utilize alternative modes of internet access such as “Wi-Fi Bus” locations which should be in place by the middle of next week - August 17-21 (current locations are located here with more locations being explored, confirmed, and communicated soon). Hardware for our Wi-Fi buses has been ordered but we were recently informed that due to high order volumes and shipping delays our WiFi buses will not be available for the first day of school. However, other options could include school parking lots, community centers, churches, family member’s homes/hotspots, etc. 

  • Book Fair

  • Please visit our link to the Virtual Open House if you have not done so. You may watch the video below for information on how to navigate this site.

    Here is the link:

    Virtual Open House

  • Curriculum

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • Bus Info

    Medication Drop Off can be done at the same time you are picking up Bus Information. Be sure medicine is in a labeled prescription bottle and all forms are signed by a medical provider. If you have any questions you may contact Nurse Kristin Benjamin at 704-260-6546.

  • MPMS Testing Schedule 

    Wednesday, Oct. 21 - 8th Grade Science (A day and remote students) 

    Thursday, Oct. 22 – 8th Grade Science (B day students) 

    Monday, Oct. 26 – Grades 6-8 Reading (A day and remote students) 

    Tuesday, Oct. 27 – Grades 6-8 Reading (B day students) 

    Wednesday, Oct. 28 – Grades 6-8 Math and Math 1 (A day & remote students) 

    Thursday, Oct. 29 – Grades 6-8 Math and Math 1 (B day students) 

    Links to documents:

    NC Check-In Testing Instructions

    Grades 6-8 Math Graph Paper

    Grade 8 Science Periodic Table

    Math I Graph Paper

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • Turkey Boxes


  • Parents and students, do you need to see what day you are coming to school?  Go to your student portal in PowerSchool.  If it says Group 1 - you come Monday and Wednesday. If it says Group 2 - you come Tuesday and Thursday.

    Plan B

  • Staff Members of the Month

    Sirse  DeVitto

    Congratulations to Ms. Caitlin Sirse, Staff Member for October and Mrs. Tammy DeVitto, Staff Member for November!

  • Donkey1      Donkey2

    Our Newest Tiger!!!

    We had some concerning signs of potential predators checking out the school goats. To keep our goats safe Four Acres Farm of Mt. Pleasant provided a guardian donkey! Donkeys are great at protecting livestock from dogs and coyotes. We are excited to have Daisy May join us at MPMS! 

Remote Learning
Last Modified on February 22, 2021