Phone: 704-206-6530


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Science North Carolina Certifications: Language Arts (6th-9th), Reading (K-6th), Elementary (K-6th) Texas Certifications: Elementary Reading (1st-8th), Elementary Self-Contained (1st-8th)

Mrs. Mika Boone

Dear Students and Parents:

Welcome to the 2020-21 school year! I am pleased to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and welcome your student to the eighth grade at Mount Pleasant Middle School. I am a graduate of Texas Woman’s University with a major in elementary education and a minor in Reading. I am originally from Texas but have been in North Carolina for fifteen years.

English is a subject area that incorporates lesson plans in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. I am looking forward to building upon the skills students mastered last year, and helping students accomplish new challenges in the language arts subject area.  I feel that a positive learning experience is built on a collaborative effort among parents, student, and teacher, and I welcome any questions or concerns as the year progresses.  

We have many expectations for our students at Mount Pleasant Middle School. One of the biggest is being responsible for assignments and actions. Your student is responsible for completing and turning in each assignment. It is essential that you follow up at home with assignments, projects, homework, correspondences, and reinforcing positive behavior. My weekly lesson plans and assignments will be posted on my Canvas page. It is my goal for each of my students to experience success and to foster a love of reading and writing. I am thrilled to work with you and your child over the course of the remaining school year. If questions or concerns should arise, please feel free to email or call anytime. 


Mrs. Mika Boone

Eighth Grade ELA