• Welcome to the
    Mt. Pleasant Middle School PTSO!
    PTSO Meeting Dates for 2022-2023

    Monthly PTSO meetings held the 3rd Thursday of each month at MPMS.

                Oct. 20th @ 4:30 PM

                Nov. 17th @ 4:30 PM

                Dec. 15th @ 4:30 PM

                Jan. 19th @ 6:30 PM

                Feb. 16th @ 4:30 PM

                Mar. 16th @ 4:30 PM

                Apr. 20th @ 4:30 PM

                May 11th @ 6:30 PM
    All rising 6th grade parents and current 6th/7th grade parents are encouraged to attend. We are looking for interest in volunteers and board members for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Membership Form:

     PTSO Officers
    Kim Ashbaugh, President
    Stacy Joyner, Vice President
    Jen Dozier, Treasurer
    Christine Brafford, Secretary


    School Supplies
    Do you have extra? We will be collecting school supplies for our teachers and students to use, as needed, throughout the year. The most requested items are: tissues, earbuds, lysol wipes, lunchboxes and backpacks;  however, anything contributed is greatly appreciated! 
     AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.

    Email Address: mpmiddleptso@gmail.com

    Facebook: Mount Pleasant Middle School PTSO

    Instagram: mpmsptso

    Remind: mpmsptso

    Sign Up Genius: To join, send us your email address at our email address

Last Modified on April 19, 2023