

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Crystal Ervin-School Counselor

Hello.  I am so blessed to be at MPMS.  What a wonderful place to work.  I am currently the 8th grade counselor and also the 7th grade counselor for the UNCC Team.  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child or middle school in general. 

Student Services / School Counseling

  • Confidentiality Statement:

    CCS Student Services Team members are here to support students and staff through academic and social emotional growth. We are a critical part of the CCS team. As we navigate through virtual learning, we wanted our CCS families to be aware that we may be able to provide some supports virtually. Please remember that we always adhere to our professional guidelines and ethics for practice (NC Department of Public Instruction, NASW, NASP, and ASCA), whether we provide these services face to face or virtually. We want our families to understand that we are bound to our confidentiality guidelines. Our interaction and conversations with students are confidential unless a student discloses harm to self, harm/threat to others, and harm and mistreatment to a vulnerable child or adult.

Crystal Ervin

MPMS 7th grade UNCC counselor/8th grade counselor

704 260 6530

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