Barcroft, Christopher
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Science Notebook Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Any words in quotation marks " " are the title of the paper and will be found directly on the page. All Teaching Points (T.P.) are expected to be responded to in some way. Please see the "Introduction to Interactive Notebooks" on p. 2 of the notebook for more information about how students are expected to demonstrate their understanding in response to the T.P.
1. Left Blank
2. "An Introduction to Interactive Notebooks" (yellow booklet)
3. T. P. How do we use Interactive Notebooks? We did two acrostic poems "LEFT SIDE" and "RIGHT SIDE"
4. "Cabarrus Science Inquiry"
5. Spongebob lab (when returned)
6. " 'The Power of Yet!' Challenge."
7. T.P. What is "the power of yet"? How did your team do on the challenge?
8. "The Meaning of Matter"
9. T.P. "What is Matter?"
10 "The Engineering Design Process"
11. T.P. How does the Engineering Design Process help engineers? How are some processes the same/different? (iow, Do some engineering design cycles have different steps? Why do you think there are engineering cycles with different numbers of steps?)
12. "An Atom Apart" (reading)
13. "An Atom Apart" (questions and crossword) remember, there was a digital version of this crossword puzzle?
14. "Bill Nye: Atoms"
15. T.P. Describe what scientists theorize the inside of an atom looks like. Suggested activity was to create a magazine cover.
16. Untitled crossword and hand written notes about Properties of Matter (from Studies Weekly). I also accidentally told students to write the T.P. for the lesson on this page: "What are properties in science?"
17. Students were asked to tape the half sheet, "Crash Course 'Hunting for Properties....'", in such a way that it could be flipped up to respond to the teaching point behind it.
18. "Modern Periodic Table"
19. T.P. What is the periodic table? How is it organized?
20. Brain Pop "Related Reading--Periodic Table of Elements
21. Periodic table Table of Elements Brainpop quiz/challenge paper
22. "Measuring Length
23. TP How do we measure length in metric units?
24. "Measuring Mass"
25. TP How do we measure mass in metric units? "Student Exploration: Triple Beam Balance" (gizmo)
26. "Finding the Mass of objects" (Ttriple beam balance activity we did in class)
27. Left Blank
28. "Density"
29. T.P. Why do some objects that are the same size have different masses?
30 and 31. Candy bar density lab
32. "Student Exploration: Measuring Volume"
32A. "Activity A: volume of liquids"
32B. "Activty C: Water Displacement"
33. How do we find the volume of liquids and irregular shaped objects?
34. "Student Exploration: Phase Changes"
35. T.P. How is temperature related to phase change?
36. "Activity B: Temperature and molecular motion"
37. T.P. Why do phases changes occur?
38. "What's the Matter? Bill Nye Video"
39. Bill Nye Review Activity No official Teaching Point, but students should do a 3-2-1 activity. Students should identify: 3 facts/events/ideas that are the most important about this topic. 2 important people, places, or things from the video. 1 question that can be answered using the other two levels.
40. "Thermal Energy and Heat" guided notes
41. T.P. What is thermal energy?
42. "DK Findout--Heat"
43. T.P. How is heat different from temperature?
44. "Conduction Coloring Page Crossword" (also has the graphic novel style reading)
45. T.P. What is Conduction?
46. "Insulators and Conductors" guided notes
47. T.P. What are insulators and conductors?
48 "The Mitten Problem"
49 T.P. What will happen to the temperature inside the glove when we put a thermometer inside it?
50 "Radiation" (Graphic Novel style reading)
51. T. P. What is Radiation?
52. "Convection Coloring Crossword"
53. T.P. Compare and contrast conduction, convection, and radiation.
54. "Magic School Bus in the Arctic
55. Summarize the main points from Magic School Bus video.
56. Titled: Thermal Equilibrium and Thermal Expansion (notes from Discovery Education videos)
57. T.P.s (yes, more than one!) What is thermal equilibrium? What is happening during thermal expansion? Give examples of both
58. The Electromagnetic Spectrum (3-2-1 video notes)
59 TP. What is Electromagnetic radiation? -or- "What is the Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum?
60. "All About Waves--Notes Online"
61. T.P. How do we measure and describe waves?
62. "Student Exploration: Waves" (Gizmo Prior knowledge and Activity A)
63. "Activity B: Wave Dynamics" (Gizmo)
64. "Homework: Wave Vocabulary"
65. Waves Vocabulary quiz
66. "Waves--Bill Nye"
67. Reflection, Absorption, Transimssion, and refraction definitions. and "Brain Pop Light Worksheet"
68. "Brain Pop: Light Challenge"
69. "Brain Pop: Light Quiz"
70. Reflect, Refract, Absorb Doodle Notes.
71. T.P. What can happen when light (and other EM radiation) encounters an object?
72. "Light (Waves)--Study Jam"
73. February 1 Lightbox timeline activity
74. "Physics for Kids: Light and Lenses"
75. T.P. How do lenses affect light?
76. "Light and Your Eye"
77. T.P. What path does light take in order for you to be able to see?
78. "Functions of Structures of the Eye" (diagram)
79. "Functions of Structures of the Eye" (crossword--Once graded and returned)
80. Human Body: Pushed to the Limits (notes as we watched)
81. Continuation of notes (if needed)
82. "Student Exploration: Eyes and Vision 3--Sensing Light
83. T.P. What types of light are detected by rods and cones?
84. Mixing Colored Light and Shadows Activity
85. T.P. What happens when we mix red, green, and blue light in different combinations?
(Students may have additional pages labeled 85 A and 85 B)
86. "Activity B: Color Mixing"
87. T.P. How can people see more than three colors?
88. "What's the Difference?"
89. What are some common eye differences that affect humans?
90. "Are Two Eyes Better Than One?"
91. (blank)
92. "Mummies & Sound"
93. T.P. What is sound?
94. (94A and 94B possibly) Notes for Chapters 2 and 3 of Mummies and Sound
95. T.P. What properties does sound have?
96. "Parts of the Ear" notes
97. Diagram of the Ear.
98. "Rice Dance" (when returned)
99. "Exploring sound: Program Quiz" and "Exploring Sound: Vocabulary"
100. Echolocation
101. T.P. What is echolocation?
102. Drawing about what you think the inside of the Earth looks like.
103. "Layers of the Earth" cube activity.
104. Connecting Questions #1-5
105. Layers of the Earth tree map and model vs. actual comparison.
106. Gizmo "Student Exploration: Building Pangea" (completed and turned in digitally)
107. "Activity B: Fossil and Rock evidence"
108. Dynamic Earth first page--"Continents on the Move"
109. "Divergent Boundaries--Spreading Plates"
110. "Convection in the Mante"
111 Blank
112 "Sea-Floor Spreading" reading
113 Sea floor spreading model
114. Sea Floor spreading questions and answers
115. blank
116. Earthquake Brainpop worksheet and Graphic Organizer
117. Earth quake quiz (brain pop)
118. "Tsunami Comprehension Questions"
119. half page with remainder of Tsunami reading
120. "Volcanoes: What is a Volcano?"
121. "What is the Ring of Fire?"
122. Diagram of Cross section of volcano.
123. Blank
124. "Plant Life Cycle"
125. T.P. What is the life cycle of a plant?
126. "Watch a Video"
127. T.P. How does a seed grow into a plant?
128. Plant Tropism Card Sort (might take more than one page wish should be 128A and 128B, if neccessary.
129. T.P. How do plants respond to their environment as they grow? (forms of tropism)
130. "The Flower Press"
131. "Worksheet"/"What did you learn?"
132. "Cooking With Photosynthesis."
133. T.P. How do plants produce their own food? (explain and describe--do not just name)
134. "Student Exploration: Photosynthesis Lab"
135. T.P. What are the ideal conditions for photosynthesis? (According to the Gizmo)
136. "Activty B: Colored Light"
137. T.P. What color of light is best for photosynthesis? (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning response)
138. "Parts of a Flower"
139 (blank)
140. "Brain Pop Pollination Quiz"
142."Directed Reading A--Section: Photosynthesis"
143. T.P. How is gas exchanged in a plant for photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
144. Cellular Respiration vs. Photosynthesis
145. T.P. How do plants (and animals) release the energy stored in glucose?
146. Day and Night notes
147. T.P. What causes day and night?
148. Earth's Revolution Notes
149. T.P. What is a year?
150 "Graph of Daylight Length and Sun Angle vs. Month (2005)"
150A. "Graph of Daylight Length and Sun Angle vs. Month (2006)"
151 Analysis Questions from activity (see agend in Modules on Canvas)
152 "Leap Year-Challenge"
153. (Blank)
154. "Earth's Year Viewed from Space: Side View"
155. What causes the yearly cycle of the seasons? (Analysis questions)
156. Graph paper with distribution of light at different angles
157. How does the angle of light affect the amount of energy each square gets? How does this relate to the changes of the seasons?