
Mr. Barcroft’s Science Class

  • In 6th grade science we will be studying:

    ·         Matter

    ·         Energy—heat, light, and sound

    ·         Astronomy and Space Exploration

    ·         Ecosystems and plants

    ·         The Earth’s structure and soil.



    Assessments includes formal quizzes, tests, and some projects (see below) if another assignment is being counted as an assessment, students will be informed ahead of time.


    Assignments pretty much everything else including, but not limited to: daily warm-ups, notebook assignments, class assignments.


    Any projects will be assigned to a category appropriate to the size of the project.  A short, one or two day project will likely be assigned to assignments and three-day (or longer) projects will likely be assigned to Assessments. Students will be made aware of what category the project will be scored in when the project is assigned.

    Homework/Notebook: Occasionally, there will be reading assignments or worksheets.  However, homework will, for the most part, be done as a response to the day’s teaching point or objective.  After class, students will do reflective activities that demonstrate they understand the day’s teaching point (often abbreviated “TP” in the notebook).  This will be regular and should take 15-30 minutes!!!  I will check 2-3 times each week to make sure that students are keeping up with the notebook work.  Sometimes work will be done on a separate piece of paper in order to be turned in and will later be fixed into the notebook.

    Notebooks may be more thoroughly reviewed several times each quarter for a notebook grade.  This grade will be included with assignments. See the light yellow pages at the front of your student’s notebook for more detail on notebook expectations.

    Additionally, students should also take some time each night to review information from previous days including teaching points and vocabulary.  This can be done ANY night your student says they do not have homework!

    Late/Missing work: Students who turn in work late (especially not due to absence) may be asked to do an alternative assignment. This is in order to prevent students from turning in work that has been copied from another student who previously turned in the assignment. So, before a student completes or turns in late work, they should ask Mr. Barcroft if there is an alternative assignment that needs to be done instead of the original assignment.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns by email at or contact me on the remind app/website.  If you have not joined remind you can do so at or text b4bd9c to 81010

Last Modified on September 20, 2022