

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Stephanie Bruner

This school year is my 29th year in teaching and my 15th here at Northwest Middle.  I graduated from West Virginia University with my degree in Science Education.  I have my National Board Certification in Early Adolescent Science.
I am married, have 2 grown children, 3 granddaughters and one son at UNC Charlotte. 
My schedule:  1st/2nd/3rd/4th periods - Science        5th/6th - Planning   

What We Did Today

  • May 21, 2018

    We started the period with 2 multiple choice questions about weather for our warm up.  This quarter, warm up questions will be about reviewing information that we have previously covered in preparation for testing at the end of the year.

    Next, we collected the homework that is due today if they did not finish it in class on Friday.

    We then used the remainder of the period going over "What is a Machine?"

    There is no homework.



    Here is a good link for female scientists:

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Last Modified on May 21, 2018