Barcroft, Christopher
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Nystrom Atlas of World History
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The American Museum of Natural History for kids!
recognized as a premiere site for science learning because it supports kids’ questions about the natural world
The Continents and Oceans
A link to the presentation for completing the .doc for class.
Owl & Mouse--interactive map fun!
- My students LOVED this website last year. It is a fun website that allows the user to place countries on a map, place capitals within their countries, and identify and place major natural and man-made landmarks in their appropriate location.
BBC fossils
We have discussed the differences between fossils and artifacts in class and I have had many questions about fossils. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to go into great detail about how fossils are made, other than a brief overview. Here is a website from the British Broadcasting Company that goes into greater detail about how fossils are made. -
The Caves of Lascaux
This is the site we will use in class to explore more about the caves of Lascaux. -
Belief Systems in Ancient China
For use in class with the study of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism.
Blendspace--Fall of Rome
A series of websites to help students learn about reasons for the fall of Rome.
Teaching Kids News
Teaching Kids News posts weekly news articles, written by professional journalists and curriculum material written by educators. All of the written material is free to read and use. Please also use TKN’s Search feature to search the more than 900 articles in our archives.
Research in Context
Excellent Database for research! Covers most topics and will translate the page to any language and read aloud in that language
Are your sources good?
A website from University of California at Santa Cruz to help students understand what to look for when researching using websites.
Ancient History Encyclopedia
A small non-profit organisation dedicated to giving highest-quality history content to the world's history enthusiasts, teachers, and students for free.
Time Maps
The TimeMap of World History is a comprehensive look at world history. It contains over 650 maps and 1,000 pages of supporting text. It is designed to be easy to navigate, through both time and space.
The TimeMap pays attention to the byways as well as to the highways of history. It is structured around a template which makes the complex mesh of history accessible and comprehensible. It will continue to grow as we add more depth. Please sign up to our newsletter for news of our updates.
Topic TimeMaps take a deeper look at specific episodes in history, providing a visual overview, a chronological walk through, a big picture AND in-depth understanding. Teachers' notes home in on such issues as cause and effect, change and continuity, interpretation and significance, so that students develop their critical thinking skills at the same time as their knowledge and understanding.
Q-files encyclopedia
Q-files is an online encyclopedia specially designed for children.
The site is the creation of Orpheus Books Limited, a publishing company based in Oxford, England. Established in 1993, Orpheus is one of the world's leading producers of children's non-fiction and reference books. Over the years Orpheus has partnered with some of the world’s largest publishers, including Oxford University Press, Penguin, Reader's Digest, HarperCollins, Langenscheidt, Random House, Barron’s, Gale, Brockhaus, Casterman and many others.
Mr. Dowling
Mr. Dowling has resources on all three of the ancient civilizations we are studying. The India section, however, starts with the ancient India and includes modern times. Be sure you are not getting information for modern times!! -
Free e-books from
Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.
Twig for Science
Twig World videos are created specifically for use in schools. Each three-minute video is carefully crafted using world-class documentary footage with input from teachers and prominent academics.
NASA Space Spinoffs
Inventions from space exploration that have found uses in our every day lives.,
BBC History for Kids website.
Has games and interesting articles about ancient history!