7:45-8:15: Student Arrival and Morning Work
8:15-8:20: Morning News Broadcast and Attendance
8:20-8:40: P2 (Positivity Project)
8:40-10:35: Math Block (with Mrs. Canapino)
- 8:40-8:50: Mental Math
- 8:50-9:10: Mini-Lesson
- 9:10-9:55: Small Groups & Independent Work Time
- 9:55-10:05: Read Aloud
10:05-10:35: Science Block (with Mrs. Canapino)
10:35-11:05: Intervention/Enrichment
11:05-11:35: Recess
11:35 - 12:45: Literacy Block (with Ms. Freeman)
- 11:35-12:05: Word Work
- 12:05-12:25: Read Aloud
- 12:25-12:40: Mini-Lesson
- 12:40-12:45: Share
12:45-1:10: Lunch
1:10-1:55: Literacy Block Continued (with Ms. Freeman)
- 1:10-1:55: Small Groups and Independent Work Time
1:55-2:00: Bathroom Break/Clean Up
2:00-2:50: Encore
2:50-2:55: Pack Up/Dismissal
Specials Rotation:
Day 1: Music
Day 2: Service
Day 3: Spanish
Day 4: Media
Day 5: PE
Day 6: Art