

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Degree in Elementary Education, M.Ed Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, Masters Certificate in Administration,

Mrs. Michelle Canapino Second Grade Teacher

   Hello, and welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! I am so excited about being a 2nd grade teacher at Rocky River Elementary. This is the start of my 27th year of education. I taught for 6 years in Florida and the rest in North Carolina. I have taught many different grade levels K-5, and I have worn several different hats throughout my educational journey!
   I look forward to working with a great team of teachers, brilliant students who will help to change the world and keep learning fun, and cooperative parents who knows it takes working together to have success for all. Remember, school can be where the magic happens. All students can shine to their potential.

Daily Classroom Schedule


Last Modified on August 23, 2022