

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Arts in Biology

Ms. Williams

Hi all! My name is Ms. Williams and I am so excited about teaching third grade this year!  I am a graduate of Wingate University where I obtained my Bachelor's in Biology. I started my career in the pharmacy field, but I soon realized  it wasn't my passion. I was blessed to transition my career into the education field. Therefore, I am eager to begin a new chapter of my teaching career here at Rocky River Elementary School. I will be entering my fourth year of teaching here. I have previously worked in the first and second grades. As a child, my mother was an educator and had done so for over 30 years. So, naturally, I followed in her footsteps and I knew that this was my purpose as well. I value the importance of early literacy and I have always wanted to focus on teaching reading. This was the best opportunity for me to pursue and I am grateful to be here and to work alongside the students. I strive to make a difference by teaching today's readers, but tomorrow's leaders.

In my spare time, I love to be with family and friends, go to the beach, participate in Zumba classes and try new restaurants.

Please feel free to contact me at In addition, please refer to my canvas page for additional academic information that will be posted weekly.