Phone: 704-595-4505


Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Elementary Education 1-6 and Psychology from Bethel University and Seminary in St Paul Minnesota

Mrs. Ann Eudy


     After 29 years of teaching, what still makes me love my job the most is my students!  I give them opportunities to share their thinking, make their own choices , and to be an active advocate for their own education.   I believe that 5th grade is the year to teach independence, organization, ownership of learning, self-motivation and confidence.  These disciplines will increase my students' ability to be successsful listeners, learners, and grow to their full potential for the everchanging 21st century.  My goal is to encourage them to develop their strenghs and grow in their weaker areas with a positve growth mindset.  My hope is to instill the habit of life- long reading and learning.

       I have a BA in Elementary Education and Psychology from Bethel College, which is in my home state of Minnesota. I have taught in Minnesota, Texas and North Caroina.  I have taught every grade 1-6 with most of my years in 3rd grade. This is my 8th year teaching 5th grade . I enjoy building positive relationships with my students and help them build a community of learners to be like a class family.

       I live in Charlotte with my husband Jeff and our two dogs, Charlie and Maddie. We love to spoil them and consider them our kids.   I love traveling , camping in our travel trailer, cooking, and mostly being together with my family. My greatest passion is reading. I tell my kids I own over 700 books plus another 200 on my Kindle. Reading relaxes me, teaches me, and let's me experience so much from the comfort of my own home. 

   I believe strongly in working along with you and your child as we communicate openly and honestly about what is needed to maximize his or her learning.  I enjoy building good relationships with you to better understand your expectations for your child and anything you are willing to share to help me meet their needs the best I can.  Never hesitate to email me, message me through Classs Dojo, or ask me to give you a call to discuss your child and any concerns you have.  I will always repsond gladly with an listening ear and a caring heart.  I aim to love your child and to help your child love school! 

Last Modified on August 16, 2020