• Career Success


    The National Model for School Counseling Programs (American School Counselor Association) guides the school counseling program at Hickory Ridge High School.  Career development is one of several strands in the national model.  Hickory Ridge High School counselors believe that career development occurs across the lifespan.  During high school, optimal career development is best pursued through strengthening of soft skills, continued self awareness, and expanding career awareness. 
    Career development is a collaborative, ongoing process that is best executed via collaboration between the student and their supporters (parents, guardians, community members, and other experts in the field such as school counselors and our Career Development Coordinator).  See your school counselor if you have questions, concerns or would like to have more individualized assistance with exploring career-related information.
    For more information, click here!
    Career Development Coordinator
Last Modified on October 10, 2022