Graduation Requirements

  • Hickory Ridge High School's graduation requirements are determined by the State of North Carolina and Cabarrus County Schools.  Graduation requirements can vary from one year to the next, so it is important to consult the requirements that were in effect the year you entered high school. 
    Responsibility for tracking a student's progress through the graduation requirements is a collaborative effort between students, parents/guardians, and school counselors.  HRHS school counselors review graduation requirements with students at least twice each year.  New enrollees will review the graduation requirements at their enrollment appointment with their school counselors.  Consult your school counselor if you have any questions or concerns about the graduation requirements. 
    Graduation Requirements may not meet Minimum Admission Requirements for some colleges and universities.  Be sure to check the Minimum Admission Requirements for the colleges to which you plan to apply.  For your convenience, a quick link to the UNC System's Minimum Admission Requirements is available on the right. 
    Below you will find classroom guidance/assembly information for each grade level.  This information is presented at the start of every school year to students in each grade level.  

    Cabarrus County Schools Graduation Requirements

    Future Ready Core: 27 Credits

    English: 4 Credits

    • English I
    • English II
    • English III or AP Language
    • English IV or AP Literature

    Math: 4 Credits

    • Math 1
    • Math 2
    • Math 3
    • 4th math* _______________

    *4th math options for 4-year college admission: Math 4, Honors Pre-Calculus, and AP Statistics

    *4th math course for students going to community college, military, or technical/trade school: Honors Microsoft Excel, Drafting I, Horticulture I&II (need both), and CCRG Math

    Science: 3 Credits

    • Earth & Environmental Science
    • Biology
    • Physical Science or Chemistry or Physics

    Social Studies: 4 Credits

    • Civic Literacy
    • World History or AP World History
    • American History or AP US History
    • Economics & Personal Finance

    Health/PE: 1 Credit

    • Health & PE

    Electives: 11 Credits

    Electives are any courses that are not already required core: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, or Health/PE courses. For students who wish to attend a four-year college, you must complete at least 2 World Language credits as two of your electives (ex. Spanish I and Spanish II)

    • Many courses can be taken at the standard/regular or Honors levels, and some courses can be taken at the AP level.
    • Advanced Math options will be discussed with students as they draw nearer to making those course selections.  Options include Discrete Math, NC Math 4, Pre-calculus, AP Statistics, AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC.
    •  *World Languages* are not required for high school graduation but are required for admission to a four-year college or university.  We advise a minimum of two credits in the same language; those planning to apply to more competitive colleges and universities should consider taking three or more credits in the same foreign language.
    • Career Clusters are recommended by the State of North Carolina but required by Cabarrus County Schools.
    • Some students who transfer into Hickory Ridge High School may be required to earn fewer than 27 credits for high school graduation, depending on their maximum credit potential over their four years of high school.
Last Modified on March 28, 2023