• Science Olympiad is an academic competition that HRHS competes in every year.  Each team can consist of up to 15 students (maximum 7 seniors).  If HRHS has more than 15 students, we can compete a Varsity Team and a JV team.  Every Spring, we compete in the Charlotte Regional Tournament.  Varsity Teams placing high enough overall or First Place Overall Winners in each event will qualify to compete at the state championship held at NC State. Winners at the state level are eligible for scholarships and can compete at the National Science Olympiad Tournament.
    Science Olympiad will meeting in room 407 
    If interested in joining Science Olympiad, please see Ms. Emanuelli or Mrs. Lackey in rooms 407 or 413.  The Science Olympiad Bulletin board is between the two rooms and may have important information.  Check out this years events on the NCSO website listed below.  Pay the $25 club fee through the k-12 payment system to ensure membership.  The membership fee pays for our team registration for regional competition.
    Canvas Course for SO: https://cabarrus.instructure.com/enroll/KL7LP3 

    Link for North Carolina Science Olympiad website:  https://ncscienceolympiad.ncsu.edu/

    Link for wiki for Science Olympiad:   http://www.scioly.org/
Last Modified on October 10, 2022