Advanced Course Commitment Form

    When requesting a schedule change, please make sure you look at the academic prerequisite classes and grades needed for the course you are requesting to add. If you have not met the prerequisites, we recommend that you take a different level of class.

    However, you and your parents/guardian can fill out an Advanced Course Commitment Form in order to take the class for which you do not meet the prerequisites. By signing the Advanced Course Commitment Form, you and your parents/guardian agree that you can handle that higher level class and its work load. You and your parents/guardian would also agree that, if necessary, you would have a tutor or to work with the teacher individually to make sure you are successful in that class.

    Please print, fill out, and either email this document to your school counselor or bring it to the Student Services Office at HRHS.

    Advanced Course Commitment Form

Retaking a Course for Credit

  • Grade Suppression Form


     Retaking Failed Course


    Retaking Passed Course

    High school students who fail a course may repeat the entire course for credit.


    High school students may choose to repeat a course for which they have earned credit  to increase their understanding of the course content, improve skill mastery, or meet postsecondary goals. 

    Any level of the course can be retaken to fulfill a graduation requirement (i.e., if student fails AP English Language, they can retake English III).

    The exact same course must be retaken (i.e., if student passes AP English Language but wants to retake it for a better grade, they must retake AP English Language).

    The course should be retaken the following semester if possible (i.e., if a student fails a class in Spring semester, they should be offered it in the summer and if that is not possible, the Fall).  “If possible” refers to student’s obligations, but also class size, teacher availability, NCVPS options, etc.

    The course should be retaken the following semester if possible but is not allowed during the summer. “If possible” applies to student’s obligations, class size, teacher availability, NCVPS options, etc.

    Student must retake courses needed for graduation credit is earned (some students may choose credit recovery option). Students are not required to retake elective courses.  

    Student is only allowed to retake the same course one time.

    There is not a limit to the number of classes a student can retake in order to earn all graduation requirements.

    There is a limit of four previously passed classes a student can retake.


    In either case, when a student completes the new course, a grade of ‘GS’ (Grade Suppression) will be listed under the initial course attempt.  The ‘GS’ grade will not impact the student’s GPA but will serve as an indicator that the student retook a course.  This helps in identifying student credit potential and avoiding any confusion about the number of credits attempted in any given semester.

Last Modified on June 22, 2022