Phone: (228) 435 - 6105


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A.Ed Secondary English Education with a minor in Social Studies

Gillian Arnold

Hi there, so glad to see you! My name is Gillian Arnold and this is my third year at Biloxi High! I teach English IV and English ACT Prep., while also being the assistant coach for the dance team, and a senior class sponsor. I am so excited and would be so honored to be your student's teacher, and look forward to meeting as many of you as I can!

 Click HERE to view my syllabus for 2023-2024 school year.

 Google Classroom Codes - these are for students only please! If you're a parent and would like to join, please contact me.

1st period: vuhq6jd

2nd period: y4mzzzd

4th period: mg7gvon

5th period: 7lx4k6z

6th period: akll7tc

7th period: clwgres