Phone: 228-435-6105
Degrees and Certifications:
BA-English (grades 7-12) Special Education endorsement (mild to moderate-grades k-12)
Jessica Grieve
Hi and welcome to my classroom! This is my 5th year at Biloxi High School (my 17th year of education). I will be in 9th grade English Inclusion, as well as teaching one period of Learning Strategies. I look forward to working with your child and helping him/her reach his/her goals, while working towards graduation. I believe that each member of your child's IEP committee is responsible for his/her education: regular education teachers, special education teachers, case manager, administration, counselors, student, and parent/guardian. Working together as a team will ensure your child the best possible path to success. I like to stay in frequent contact with my caseload students' parents and will be using the "School Status" program to communicate, with text and calls. My email is the quickest way to contact me, but don't hesitate to text me, once you get my number through the program. I look forward to a great year!
Learning Strats 6th Period Google Classroom code: