• Nurses  
    The school attempts to provide an environment in which the child will be safe from accidents. If an accident occurs, first aid will be administered. Home telephone numbers, business telephone numbers, and emergency telephone numbers must be furnished to the school. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, school officials will act prudently to safeguard the student’s welfare. Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school in writing of any changes in contact information. 
    Trained faculty and staff first aid specialists are available in each school. 
    No student will be allowed to bring medicine to school.  The preference of the Biloxi Schools is never to administer a prescription medication to a student; but we understand that at times there are needs that justify dispensing prescription drugs. Medication prescribed by a licensed doctor/nurse practitioner can be administered to students at school if necessary. No over-the-counter or narcotic medication will be administered at school. If a student is ill and taking over-the-counter medication, he/she should remain at home, or the parent may come to the school to give the medication. When a doctor prescribes a medication, the parent must arrange with a doctor for the child to receive the medication at times other than during school hours. If the doctor feels it is necessary for the medication to be given at school, the parent must adhere to the following procedure:
    1. No student will be allowed to bring any medicine to school and take it without school office personnel supervision; all medication must be brought to the school by the parent/guardian, with the exception of number 5 below.
    2. In the event a medication is brought to the school by a student, the medicine will be immediately confiscated, and the student may be referred to the building administrator for disciplinary action, with the exception of number 5 below.
    3. The parent must bring the medication to the school in the original prescription bottle, which must be labeled as prescribed by law. Only prescription medication will be dispensed at school.
    4. The written consent form must be signed by the parent and the physician and returned to the school before any medication will be dispensed to the child.