

Degrees and Certifications:

Master of Art Education

Mr. Leo Green

Google Class codes

 Period 1st

Period 2nd


Period 3rd
AP Art
Period 4th 
Art Survey 


Period 5th 

Period 7th
Art Survey
2021-22 Course Syllabus For Visual Art III (Painting)
Term 1 Teacher: Leo Green E-mail: Teacher’s Web Site: Objectives: This high school program of study focuses on advanced creation and study of painting and continues the development of a body of work for inclusion in a portfolio. It involves a broad range of painting, techniques, and processes. Building on concepts and skills acquired in other art courses. Students will work at a more advanced level applying their knowledge of production, critical analysis, history and culture, aesthetics, and connections among the visual arts, other content areas, and everyday life.
Week 1 Students will be introduced to classroom rules and expectation. Students will complete necessary forms. Students will experiments with pencils and making different types of lines. Design name plates and portfolio with different types of line.
Week 2 Showing me what you know. Students will draw still-life, portraits, hand drawing, three dimension, and landscape. Students will look at magazines and find the basic shapes and forms in objects. pattern as subject. Op art projects
Week 3 Learning how to make a value scale. Students will learn how to use shading techniques: hatching, cross-hatching, blending and stippling.
Week 4 Coffee painting. Learning how to make a wash with inks.
Week 5 Demonstrations on how to start a watercolor.
Week 6 Learning how to paint using tempera paints
Week 7 Looking at nonobjective Art. Using organic shapes. Using geometric shapes/ Hard edges. Using pattern as subject. Op art projects
Week 8 Learning to paint people. Generalizations and proportions. Composition and design. Figures in their environment. Figures in abstraction. Style.
Week 9 Using your imagination. Fantasies. Exploring other directions
Test and Grades Grading: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=75-79 D=65-69 F=below 65 I=incomplete
Grading follows the policies of Biloxi Public Schools. A mid-term progress report and a report card following the end of each term are issued.
Tests: Class projects will count as 90% of your term grade and term exams will count as 10% of your term grade. Students will be evaluated at the end of each unit with a quiz. Students will have a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation for the semester.
Retesting: All students are encouraged to improve any unsatisfactory grade. Students should make arrangements with the teacher to schedule an appointment to work in the art room after school within 10 days of receiving a poor grade. Mr. Green is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Homework/Assignments/Projects: This is a studio class. All projects are completed in class only! Students are not permittee d to take their work or supplies home. Ample class time will be given to students to complete their projects and other written assignments. Late work will be accepted however, students will receive a 2 point deduction from their earned grade for each day that the assignment/project is overdue. Students who turn work in that is not label with a finest and last name will receive a 10 point deduction from their earned grade!!! Some homework assignments will be issued. Attendance is crucial. (See teacher for special circumstances).
Course Requirements: Students are expected to complete all projects, assignments and test/quizzes. Students are expected to follow the classroom rules that are posted, discussed in detail, demonstrated and distributed for signatures. Again, attendance is crucial in this class. Students must bring in necessary supplies from their list issued at the beginning of the semester and for each project as requested (dates and items will be announced). Additional Comments: This best way to do well in this class is to be present, be attentive persevere with great effort to complete all of your work.
Art Supplies List
Mixing tray
Different size paint brushes 
Acrylic paint: red, Yellow, blue, black and white. 
Instant coffee 
 2021-22 Course Syllabus For AP Art and design.
 Portfolio Format
The AP Art and Design portfolios each consist of two sections: Sustained Investigation and Selected Works.

Sustained Investigation—Section 1

15 digital images; some may be details or process images | 60% of portfolio score
Students will submit images and writing to document their inquiry-guided investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision:

A minimum of 15 digital images that include works of art and design and process documentation.
Typed responses to prompts, providing information about the questions that guided their investigation and how they practiced, experimented, and revised, guided by their questions.
Selected Works—Section 2

5 actual works | 40% of portfolio score
Students will submit works of art and design and writing to demonstrate skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas:

5 physical works or high-quality reproductions of physical works with written responses on paper identifying the materials, processes, and ideas used.
Works may come from the Sustained Investigation section, but they do not have to.
Scoring Information
The portfolio sample packets below are aligned with the current course and portfolio exam. The sample student art and writing collected here represent a range of media and processes, as well as a range of scores. Each sample is accompanied by detailed scoring commentary walking you through the scoring process and explaining how the rubrics were applied.
Test and Grades Grading: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=75-79 D=65-69 F=below 65 I=incomplete
Grading follows the policies of Biloxi Public Schools. A mid-term progress report and a report card following the end of each term are issued.
Tests: Class projects will count as 90% of your term grade and term exams will count as 10% of your term grade. Students will be evaluated at the end of each unit with a quiz. Students will have a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation for the semester.
Retesting: All students are encouraged to improve any unsatisfactory grade. Students should make arrangements with the teacher to schedule an appointment to work in the art room after school within 10 days of receiving a poor grade. Mr. Green is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Homework/Assignments/Projects: This is a studio class. All projects are completed in class only! Students are not permittee d to take their work or supplies home. Ample class time will be given to students to complete their projects and other written assignments. Late work will be accepted however, students will receive a 2 point deduction from their earned grade for each day that the assignment/project is overdue. Students who turn work in that is not label with a finest and last name will receive a 10 point deduction from their earned grade!!! Some homework assignments will be issued. Attendance is crucial. (See teacher for special circumstances).
Course Requirements: Students are expected to complete all projects, assignments and test/quizzes. Students are expected to follow the classroom rules that are posted, discussed in detail, demonstrated and distributed for signatures. Again, attendance is crucial in this class. Students must bring in necessary supplies from their list issued at the beginning of the semester and for each project as requested (dates and items will be announced). Additional Comments: This best way to do well in this class is to be present, be attentive persevere with great effort to complete all of your work.
Art Supplies List
Color Pencils
Mixing tray
Different size paint brushes 
Acrylic paint: red, Yellow, blue, black and white. 
Instant coffee 
2021-22 Course Syllabus For Visual Art I (Survey) Term 1

Teacher: Leo Green Email:
Teacher’s Website:

Objectives: This high school visual arts program of study involves a broad range of drawing media, techniques, and processes. In this course, students will continue to develop prior knowledge and skills in the creation and study of works of art and design. Building on concepts and skills acquired in Visual Arts Level I. Students will increase their knowledge of production, critical analysis, history and culture, aesthetics, and connections among the visual arts, other content areas, and everyday life. Work will encompass two-dimensional art forms rendered and wet and dry drawing media with an emphasis on working in color with a continuation of skill development in black and white processes.

Week 1
Students will be introduced to classroom rules and expectations. Students will complete necessary forms. Students will experiment with pencils and make different types of lines. Design name plates and portfolio with different types of line.

Week 2
Showing me what you know. Students will draw still-life, portraits, hand drawing, three dimensions, and landscape. Students will look at magazines and find the basic shapes and forms in objects.

Week 3
Making a value scales using hatching, cross hatching, and stippling. Making a drawing using different shading techniques.

Week 4
Three Dimensional Drawing. One-point perspective, two-point perspective, and three-point perspective.

Week 5
Foreshortening Project

Week 6
Students will work on proportion by using measuring grid, sight-size drawings, and cross-reference measuring.

Week 7
Texture drawing: glass, metal, fur, rock, silk. Lighting: Natural light, Artificial light.

Week 8
The Human Form: Characteristics and expressions, drawing the figure, foreshortening the human form, Gesture drawing.

Week 9
Landscapes. The natural landscape, the urban landscape.

Test and Grades
Grading: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=75-79 D=65-69 F=below 65 I=incomplete
Grading follows the policies of Biloxi Public Schools. A mid-term progress report and a report card following the end of each term are issued.

Tests: Class projects will count as 90% of your term grade and term exams will count as 10% of your term grade. Students will be evaluated at the end of each unit with a quiz. Students will have a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation for the semester.

Retesting: All students are encouraged to improve any unsatisfactory grade. Students should make arrangements with the teacher to schedule an appointment to work in the art room after school within 10 days of receiving a poor grade. Mr. Green is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Homework/Assignments/Projects: This is a studio class. All projects are completed in class only! Students are not permitted to take their work or supplies home. Ample class time will be given to students to complete their projects and other written assignments. Late work will be accepted however, students will receive a 2 point deduction from their earned grade for each day that the assignment/project is overdue. Students who turn work in that is not labeled with a first and last name will receive a 10 point deduction from their earned grade!!! Some homework assignments will be issued. Attendance is crucial. (See teacher for special circumstances).

Course Requirements: Students are expected to complete all projects, assignments and tests/quizzes. Students are expected to follow the classroom rules that are posted, discussed in detail, demonstrated and distributed for signatures. Again, attendance is crucial in this class. Students must bring in necessary supplies from their list issued at the beginning of the semester and for each project as requested (dates and items will be announced).

Additional Comments: The best way to do well in this class is to be present, be attentive, persevere with great effort to complete all of your work.
Art Supplies List
Color Pencil
AP ART Studio Drawing