Popp's Ferry Elementary News

Literacy-Based Promotion Act (3rd Grade Gate Law)

  • AdvancED Excel by 5  MDE  School Store   Great Kindness Certified   School Honor Roll

  • 2020 Blue Ribbon School 
    Biloxi Public Schools has been named an A-Rated School District by the Mississippi Department of Education. 
    Military Star School

Going on this week:

Upcoming Events

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Perfect Attendance

    Every month, students have the chance to receive a different colored silicone wristband. Perfect Attendance is very important for our students. Every minute of instruction lost, is a minute the child missed out on. (perfect attendance includes no tardies or check-outs)

Popp's Ferry Pledge

  • Popp's Ferry Pledge

    Popp's Ferry Pledge

    I belong to a school that believes in me, and I believe in myself! 
    I can achieve greatness! 
    I have high expectations for myself! 
    I will graduate with my peers! 
    When I believe, I become! 
    I am Popp's Ferry Proud!