Phone: 228-435-6105


Degrees and Certifications:

BSE Science Education Jacksonville State University MSE Science Education Jacksonville State Universtiy

Mr. Dennis Scott Lesley

Hello I am Scott Lesley and I have been teaching Science for thirty years now.  I received my Bachelor’s degree and my Master’s degree from Jacksonville State University and played football for the JSU Gamecocks.

I taught and coached for 25 years in Alabama and finished in 2013 while living in Mobile, Alabama.  When I retired from Alabama, I began teaching and coaching in Mississippi at Ocean Springs High School for five years. I finally got the opportunity to become part of the “Indian Nation” here in Biloxi this year.

I have taught Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Earth/Space Science, Physical Science, Geology, Genetics, Astronomy and Marine Aquatics. I have taught and coached approximately 4,600 students in my career and am more passionate than ever to have one of  the most important jobs there is. I will be teaching Physical Science here at BHS and our plan is to have the best Physical Science program on the Coast, if not the state.

I have had the opportunity to coach football in two Alabama State championships and be the defensive coordinator in the 2003 and 2006 Alabama/Mississippi All-Star football game. (On the Alabama side I admit ;)

I am so excited to be here in what many consider to be the top overall public school system in Mississippi.  My favorite thing about being an educator is when I see my former students move on to be successful in their careers, parenting, and lives.  I thank the Good Lord for the opportunity to finally be here in Biloxi and let’s get to work!