The sixth grade students have been working diligently on a personal narrative essay. As their teacher, I am trying to expand their knowledge of ways to use their own talents of writing and drawing to create a future path for growth. We were lucky to have Ms. Kaisee Perkins speak to us today regarding how she became an illustrator. Ms. Perkins has illustrated two books; Robbie The Magical Catfish, and Francie's Great Adventure. Both books were written by the same author, Mary Ebrecht. Ms. Perkins explained to the students how this opportunity arose for her to become a published illustrator. The students were amazed!
Ms. Perkins expressed the importance of finding a way to deal with stresses in life and how to turn a hobby into a possible career opportunity. We were very impressed with Ms. Perkins' illustrations and were very appreciative of her taking the time out of her day to come speak with us. Thank you!