Grade Level: 9-12
Teacher: Matt Klingner/ Mr. Klingner or Coach Klingner
Phone#: 660-947-3361 ext. 373 & home: 660-947-2389
Classroom: Room 2a or practice after school
Course Description: This class is designed to help students establish good study habits, character education, transition assessments, understanding the ins & outs of the school system, and give extra time and help for homework. At times throughout the year we will review study, academic, and organizational skills. We will focus on improving communication, test scores, and homework. A variety of methods will be used to assist the class from one on one, individual, and group work.
Grading scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 and below F
*You will be graded on class participation, attitude, effort, attendance, cooperation, and academic work. Your failure to complete assigned work will result in a lower grade in Strategies as well as other classes. Each class we will also start the day with an announcement or warm-up activity to practice and refresh some skills that everyone must do for a grade. If you don’t bring work to do in class I will have a folder set up and you must complete the activity for that day in order to receive points. (This might be computer work.)
Classroom Procedures & Rules:
If you have homework, reading to finish, or any other schoolwork bring it to class and you will receive assistance when you need it time permitting. But, remember you have to make the effort and take responsibility.
No cussing/inappropriate language or making fun of anyone during the class period, no exceptions. Bullying will not be tolerated.
Be on time unless you have permission from another teacher or myself, have a seat, and don’t distract other while they are working. The 3rd tardy will result in a 30 minute detention and on the 4th office referral.
Leave stuff in the classroom alone that is not yours.
Follow school expectation and rules. Look in the student agenda if needed.
Make sure to sign out after permission to leave room only one person out at a time.
Attendance is key no more than 7 absences per semester
Fill out grade checks when asked to do so.
Have fun while trying.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.