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Informative Paragraphs

December 11, 2015


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The sixth grade students have been writing informative paragraphs. This type of paragraph is used to share factual information about a specific topic.  The use of a four square graphic organizer has allowed the students to map out their ideas before actually writing their paragraphs.  

Together, the students and I, created a paragraph about a desk chair, a Christmas tree, and a globe.  By modeling the process of filling out the four square graphic organizer, the students became more familiar with this task.  When I asked the students to write their own informative paragraph there was no hesitation on getting started; they knew what to do and how to do it.  

After writing our informative paragraphs, the students were provided with the opportunity to share with the class.  I love hearing the students share their writings with their classmates.  It creates a unified environment where everyone is safe and expected to learn.