The students in sixth grade have been working on their persuasion skills. They have been writing persuasive paragraphs in class. A few of those topics include the best snack, the best vacation, and the best place to live. Soon these students will be creating a five paragraph persuasive essay regarding the topic of schools having lockers. By taking a position and then creating a list of pro’s and con’s the students are able to step out of their comfort zone and see what the situation from another view point.
The sixth grade students are reading the book Hatchet, written by Gary Paulsen. They are extremely excited to be reading this book. The survival of Brian is such a interesting story that the students hate to put it down when the bell rings.
The seventh grade students are reading the book Crash, written by Jerry Spinelli. Many of the students have read other books written by Jerry Spinelli but have not had the opportunity to read this specific one. Within this book, the students are exposed to a bully and the thinking behind his actions. As the story unfolds, the bully sees his actions as mean and trys to change.
The students are in full swing now that we are back from Christmas break. We have great books to read and wonderful ideas to share in our writings. I hope you are enjoying a book as well!