Violence and DASA Reporting

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Fairport Central School District
Dignity for All Students Act
Reporting Form
for School Violence, Harassment, Bullying, or Discrimination

Fairport Central School District is committed to providing a safe, supportive environment free from violence, harassment, bullying or discrimination. The District encourages the involvement of staff, students, parents and community members in the implementation and reinforcement of the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). If you believe you, someone else, or a school, has been the target of harassment, bullying, cyberbullying, or discrimination, or you have concerns about a student, please use this form to report all allegations.

The Safe School Helpline

The Safe School Helpline is a convenient way to report concerns about unsafe or potentially disruptive activities or situations including drug or alcohol abuse, weapons, harassment, bullying, threats, possible suicide or any other safety issue.

The Safe School Helpline can be accessed via several methods:

  • Call 1-800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359 (1-800-418-6423 ext. 359)
  • Visit
  • Text TIPS to 66746
  • Download the “Safe School Helpline” app in the App Store or Google Play

The Safe School Helpline utilizes a unique, automated telephone service which allows callers to report a concern 24 hours a day, confidentially and anonymously if they choose. The voice message is typed and then emailed to school officials. In this way, no one other than the service operator hears the voice. Each call is assigned a case number. The caller can call back to the helpline to check progress on the call or to provide more information.

Click here for more information about the Safe School Helpline.

Reporting Form

You can complete this form online and it will automatically be directed to the school administrator. Or, you can complete the Reporting Form for School Violence, Harassment, Bullying or Discrimination and return it to the school administrator, member of the Behavior Intervention Team, or Dignity Act Coordinators. Administration will review and respond to each incident in the context of the student Code of Conduct.

*All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner. Anonymous reports may limit the district’s ability to respond to the complaint.
**False reporting of incidents may result in disciplinary consequences and may be reported to a law enforcement agency.
***Any reports made during summer months will be addressed as the administrator is available.

Fill out the Electronic  School Violence, Harassment, Bullying, or Discrimination Reporting Form or download the pdf version below to print and submit a paper copy.

If you do not see a form below you may access it HERE

*If reporting a threat of violence and the threat poses imminent danger (specific date, time, location identified) call 911 immediately

Page Last Updated on January 28, 2021

Files & Documents

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