Assessments – 3-8 & Regents for 2022-23

Grades 3-8 Assessment Information

New York State schools are required to offer the following assessments this spring:

  • Grades 3-8 English Language Arts: April 19-21 (Each school will communicate schedule)
  • Grades 3-8 Mathematics: May 2-4 (Each school will communicate schedule)
  • Grade 8 Science: May 23 – June 5 (Each school will communicate schedule)
    • Grade 8 science performance: May 23-June 2
    • Grade 4 and 8 science written: June 5

Parents/guardians who wish to refuse any or all of the 3-8 assessments for their child must submit a request in writing (click here for the refusal form) by March 24, 2023 to the school principal.

Regents Exams in June 2023

Regents exams are scheduled for June 14-22, 2023. While each school will communicate the schedule, click here to read about the exam schedule from the New York State Education Department.

Assessment is the strategic collection of direct, observable evidence of student learning throughout the learning process, in order to inform teaching and learning. It is at its best when it is indistinguishable from the learning that is occurring.

Key attributes of quality assessments:

  • Authentic, developmental, student-centered, engaging and meaningful
  • Aligned with the learning targets within the curriculum
  • Diversified and balanced in the ways in which we ask students to show their learning including formative and summative.
  • Intentional in its influence on instructional decisions
  • Reliable and accurate

Glossary of Assessment Terms

DIAGNOSTIC OR BASELINE: Occurs BEFORE teaching – the initial phase of assessment for learning. The purpose is to gather data in order to diagnose student needs; establish a starting point for learning and plan for instruction

FORMATIVE: Occurs DURING teaching – focus is on assessment for learning. The purpose is to gather data in order to monitor learning, inform planning and promote student reflection

SUMMATIVE: Occurs AFTER teaching – focus is on assessment of learning. The purpose is to evaluate attainment of learning targets, and make decisions regarding grades, promotion, graduation; provides an opportunity for students to share what they’ve learned

Performance assessments are designed to measure what students know through their ability to perform certain tasks.  In certain situations, performance assessments — sometimes called performance-based assessments — may provide a more accurate indication of what students can do than traditional assessments are able to provide.  Performance-based assessments typically include exhibitions, investigations, the creation of products, demonstrations, written or oral responses, journals, and portfolios.

Universal screening is a quick assessment that measures a student’s skills or behaviors expected for his or her grade level. Screenings may be conducted once a year or as many as three times per year. Depending upon the results of the initial screening, the school team may recommend that a student is provided additional instructional support to address the student’s areas of need.

Progress monitoring is a term used to describe the systematic and continuous collection of information to determine if children receiving research-based instruction are responding to that instruction. Fairport educators use a variety of assessment tools to assist them in monitoring student progress.

Page Last Updated on February 24, 2023

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