To implement its commitment to the education of students with disabilities, the Board of Education annually appoints a Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE), a Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Subcommittees on Special Education. The Committees are appointed in accordance with the provisions of New York Education Law, Sections 4402 and 4410 and Section 200.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. Section 4410 of the Education Law which established the Committee on Preschool Special Education was signed into Law on July 5, 1989, and the CPSE established for the first time during the 1989/90 school year. Major functions of the CPSE and CSE include:

  • Identifying, evaluating, and recommending placement for students with disabilities;
  • Assuring that appropriate due process safeguards are provided for each student;
  • Maintaining an annually revised register of all students with disabilities who reside in the district and who are eligible to attend preschool or public school during the coming school year;
  • Establishing a network for communication and sharing of resources with other educational and community service agencies;
  • Reporting to the Board of Education on the adequacy and status of programs, services and facilities made available to school-age students with disabilities by the school district, and, for preschool students, by public and private agencies within the County of Monroe;
  • Reporting to the State Education Department on the number of preschool students, if any, within the district who are not receiving appropriate preschool services and the reasons for any such lack of service.

CSE Parent Members

Our CSE parent members (Beth Jocolano and Annette Messer) are available to support you throughout the CSE process.  In order to connect with them, please contact our Fairport Special Education Department Office at (585) 421-2038 so that we can support effective and timely communication.

Page Last Updated on November 15, 2021