Extracurricular Eligibility Standards


The Fairport Board of Education believes that extracurricular involvement is an integral part of a student’s total educational pro-gram, as it forms a connection between the student and the school community and nurtures each student’s special interests and abilities. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege and carries with it responsibilities to self, school and community. Extracurricular participation is defined as involvement in any non-credit bearing, school-sponsored organization or activity, including class organizations, clubs and athletic teams. The Eligibility Standards and Rules will cover four areas: Academic Performance, Chemical Use/Abuse, Student Behavior, and School Attendance.


In order to be eligible for extracurricular participation at the middle and/or high school level, a student must:

  1. be enrolled in five academic classes plus physical education (any exceptions will be based on specific recommendations from the student’s counselor, Assistant Principal or Building Principal);
  2. not have two or more failures during any five-week grading period;
  3. remain chemically free as described in Chemical Use/Abuse section;
  4. exhibit acceptable social behaviors and citizenship; and
  5. meet all attendance requirements.

Academic Performance

Though warnings may be given at any time by an adviser, coach, or administrator who feels it is necessary, PROBATION will result if the student has two or more failures during any five-week grading period. A student placed on PROBATION may continue to participate in all activities and will be monitored over a two-week period by means of an eligibility update form. A stu-dent will maintain eligibility if the weekly update indicates achievement of a passing grade for the classes in which a failing grade was received and/or teacher comments indicating consistent satisfactory effort in all classes.

At the end of the two week PROBATION period, if the student continues to receive a failing grade in more than one course or does not display consistent satisfactory effort in all classes, the student will be INELIGIBLE to participate. An INELIGIBLE stu-dent may still practice and attend meetings, but is not permitted to participate in games, performances or culminating events. Stu-dents will remain INELIGIBLE until a passing grade is achieved for the next marking period or interim progress report period.

Chemical Use/Abuse

During their participation in extracurricular activities, students are subject to disciplinary action if they are reported or are found to be in possession of, using, selling and/or buying of any of the substances/items included in, but not limited to the following list:

  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Amphetamines
  • Tobacco (smoke/smokeless, liquid, tobacco-based gel, e-cigarettes & related paraphernalia)
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Creatine
  • LSD
  • Steroids
  • Androplex
  • PCP
  • “look-alikes”
  • Androstenedione
  • Ecstasy
  • Designer drugs (i.e. synthetic marijuana, bath salts)
  • Ephedrine
  • GHB
  • Mushrooms
  • Inhalants
  • Ketamine
  • Paraphernalia
  • Prescription and nonprescription medications*
  • Mood altering herbals (i.e. salvia, khat)

* Written Authorization from parent/guardian and the family physician must be submitted to the school nurse. Medications must be delivered to the school nurse by parent/guardian in properly labeled pharmacy container or original manufacturer’s package. The medication will be stored in the school health (nurse’s office). When a student needs to carry his/her own medication on school grounds, during PE class, or for sports participation and/or field trips, he/she must complete the “Permission for Self Medication” form available in the nurse’s office.
Violations involving prescription and non-prescription medications will be reviewed by the school administration for appropriate response/consequences.

Although “being in the presence of” is not a violation of the extracurricular eligibility standards policy, it is an expectation of school administration, staff, advisors and coaches that a student will not attend or remain at activities where illegal alcohol and/or other chemical use is occurring.

Investigation Phase

  1. The student may be suspended from all extracurricular activity while school personnel determine if a violation has occurred.
  2. The Athletic Director/Building Administrator will set up a meeting with the student, parents, and coach/adviser to review the situation and explain the course of action.
  3. If it is determined that no violation has occurred, the student will return to full participation; if a violation has occurred the course of action listed below is followed.

First Violation

After confirmation of the first violation, the student may not participate in extracurricular activities such as games, performances, or culminating events for a minimum of two weeks. Upon completion of the approved Fairport Central School District evaluation process, verification of their agreement to follow through on all the evaluator’s recommendations and having served a minimum suspension of one week, the student may resume participation in practices and meetings. If no recommendation comes from the evaluation, the student will be required to attend 3 counseling sessions with the Fairport Central School District Substance Abuse Coordinator or his/her designee and may return to practices/meetings after 1 week.

Second Violation

After confirmation of a second violation, the student may not participate in extracurricular activities, such as games, performances, or culminating events for a minimum of four weeks. Upon completion of the approved Fairport Central School District evaluation process, verification of agreement to follow through on all the evaluator’s recommendations and having served a minimum suspension of three weeks, the student may resume participation in practices and meetings. If no recommendation comes from the evaluation, the student will be required to attend 3 counseling sessions with the Fairport Central School District Substance Abuse coordinator or his/her designee.

Any Subsequent Violation

In the event of any subsequent violations, the student may not participate in any extracurricular activities for a minimum of one calendar year and must complete the evaluation process as outlined by the Fairport Central School District.


  1. In the event a middle school student is found in violation of these rules, disciplinary suspension will not carry over to a stu-dent’s high school experience (except selectively classified students-athletes).
  2. Violations are cumulative during the middle school years (grades 6-8) and during the high school years (grades 9-12).
  3. If a student elects not to be evaluated he/she will be suspended from all extracurricular participation until an evaluation is completed.

Student Behavior

It is the expectation that all students exemplify good citizenship and behavior at all times both in and out of school. If, in or out of school, a student exhibits unacceptable behavior as outlined in the FCSD code of conduct, or is charged with a violation of local, state, or federal laws, the consequence can range from missing one activity up to a one year suspension from extra curricular participation. The Building Principal and/or District Administrator will base the consequence on the nature and level of severity. Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to, bullying, hazing, fighting, “TP-ing”, vandalism, stealing, insubordination, academic dishonesty, truancy, and internet harassment.

School Attendance

All students involved in extracurricular activities are expected to maintain good attendance in school and in class. In order to par-ticipate in any extra curricular event, a student must be in school by 9:00 a.m. unless he/she has a legal excuse.

Page Last Updated on May 10, 2019