Elementary Program

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) is a framework designed to promote optimal learning and development of young children. The framework is grounded in research on how young children grow and learn. Within this framework, the instruction is based on

  • Child development and learning
  • Each child as an individual
  • Each child’s social and cultural context

Play-based learning is an essential component of developmentally appropriate instruction. We believe children come to kindergarten with a wide range of abilities. By using play-based learning, we are allowing students to explore and discover while making connections to larger concepts introduced by the teacher. Students will participate in activities that are play-based and will be working with various materials that foster creativity and imagination, while also making connections to literacy and numeracy.

For more information about developmentally appropriate practices for young children, visit https://www.naeyc.org/

K-5 Report Cards

Our 1-5 standards-based report cards are aligned to the District Learning Standards and reflect updates in our curriculum and instruction. These report cards include category titles and descriptors reflecting the New York State (based on the Common Core Learning Standards) and District standards, grading keys reflecting student progress toward State and District standards (4-1 scale), and learning behaviors reflecting student skills necessary to be a successful learner.

The documents below will connect you to a Report Card Parent Guide describing our report cards, and samples of the actual report cards that the students will receive this year. Also included below are the NYS Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy and the NYS Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics. These documents are the basis for the Fairport curriculum for English Language Arts and Mathematics.
Additional Resources:

Page Last Updated on November 8, 2021

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