Explanation of Evaluation/Test Performed
Evaluation | To Obtain Information On | Conducted By |
Physical | Sight, hearing, physical development; medical needs; physical & health factors which affect school progress | School physician, school nurse, child’s pediatrician |
Psychological | General intelligence; learning strengths and weaknesses; instructional needs; social interactions and relationships | School Psychologist |
Speech-Language | Receptive/expressive oral language, production of sounds, voice, fluency, auditory-perceptual skills | Speech-Language Pathologist, Speech Therapist |
Motor | Coordination, strength, visual perception, visual motor integration, sensory processing, self-care skills | Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist |
Social History | Parent’s perception of child’s development and other factors that may affect school performance | School Social Worker |
Class Observation | Performance in the current educational setting; relationship to teacher and other students; learning styles, attention span | School Administrator, Special Educator, CSE Member, School Psychologist, School Social Worker |
Appropriate Educational Evaluations | Educational achievement; learning strengths and weaknesses; vocational and academic needs | Teachers, Reading Specialists, Math Specialists, Special Educators, School Psychologist |
Assessments in all areas relating to the suspected disability | A specific assessment related to health, vision, hearing; social-emotional development; general intelligence; communication skills; motor abilities; academic performance |
List of Evaluation Instruments
Some of the following instruments may be used to evaluate your child:
Differential Ability Scales
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability
Motor/Visual Perception
Beery Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration (VMI)
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency
Motor Free Visual Perception Test
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales
Pediatric Balance Scale
Schoodles Fine Motor Assessment
School Function Assessment
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile (School Companion Teacher Questionnaire)
Test of Gross Motor Development
Test of Handwriting Skills
Test of Visual motor Skills
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills
Visual Skills Appraisal
Speech and Language
Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test
Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
Phonological Awareness Test
Photo Articulation Test
SCAN – Test of Auditory Processing Skills
Test of Auditory Processing Skills
Test of Childhood Stuttering
Test of Language Competence
Test of Language Comprehension
Test of Language Development
Test of Narrative Language
Test of Pragmatic Language
Test of Word Finding
Bracken Basic Concept Scale
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
Curriculum-Based Measurement
Developmental Reading Assessment
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement
Key Math
Peabody Individual Achievement Test
Test of Early Math Achievement
Test of Early Reading Achievement
Test of Word Reading Efficiency
Test of Written Language
Wechsler Individual Achievement Tests
Woodcock Johnson Tests of achievement
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test
Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System
Adaptive Behavior Scale – School
Behavior Assessment System for Children
Conners Rating Scales
Incomplete Sentences
Scales of Independent Behavior
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
Page Last Updated on November 15, 2021