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    Academy of Health Sciences Advisory Board
    NAF advisory boards provide an essential bridge between schools and the workplace. Industry and community leaders volunteer on local advisory boards to play an active role in developing their future workforce by shaping talent in high school. Advisory board members collaborate with educators to inform curricula and help organize work-based learning activities. Students also have the opportunity to build relationships with mentors early and learn from successful adults.
    The Academy of Health Sciences Advisory Board consists of the following members:
    (click on a name for more information about that particular member) 
    Marcus Pryor     Asst. Dean of Students and Career Placement- Stanly Community College 
    Dr. Andrew Nance    Chief Resident- Cabarrus Family Medicine (Atrium Health) Residency Program
    Kevin Laws  Advisory Board Treasurer    Dir. of Planned Giving- Atrium Health Northeast
    Dr. Martha Bramlett      Advisory Board Secretary     Asst. Professor of Nursing- Pfeiffer University 

    Dr. Wendy Barnhardt      Advisory Board Chair Dean of Health & Educational Programs- Rowan Cabarrus Community College

    Zinat Hassanpour      Professor of Biology- Cabarrus College of Health Sciences
    Dr. TinChung Leung      Asst. Professor of Biology- NC Central University 
    Dr. Meg Patchett        Interim President- Cabarrus College of Health Sciences
    Peter Schupp      Nurse Anesthetist- Atrium Health
    Kim Ragan       Community Relations Director- Cabarrus Health Alliance
    Kelly New    Nurse--Atrium Health
    Russell Parker   Career and Technical Education Director for CCS 
     **If you have an interest in serving on our Advisory board, please contact Ellen Machado or Jackie Ferreira for details.