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Miller, Ashleigh
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What is FFA?
FFA is a dynamic youth organization within agricultural education that changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.
Why should I join FFA?
It's FUN! FFA enhances students leadership skills, confidence, work ethic, communication skills, agriculture knowledge, and more! Students get to participate in CDE competitions (Career Development Events), Chapter Activities, National FFA Week, Southwest Regional FFA Events, FFA Nationals, and more!
FFA Calendar (updated 8/17/2022):
8/24: Open House! FFA Officers will be selling FFA shirts and giving out information about FFA.9/7: National Officer visiting MPMS! Meeting after school 4-5:30pm!9/9 - 9/17: Cabarrus County Fair! Will have a educational booth set up and will be running certain days of the FFA Milking Booth.9/27: RLC! We are hosting Southwest NC FFA Regional Leadership Conference at MPMS on September 27th afterschool. Permission forms will be available in the AgRoom.10/4: Federation Level Tractor Driving CDE at American Legion of Stanly County Fairgrounds. Rain date is 10/6.10/25-10/29: FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, IN12/1: Livestock Evaluation CDE in Raleigh, NC2/15/2023: Poultry Evaluation CDE in Raleigh, NC3/8/2023: AgBusiness Competitions at UMO (AgSales, Farm Business Management, Marketing Plan)3/10/2023: Middle Grades Rally at NC A&T University (MS Parliamentary Procedure, Biotech CDEs, MS Prepared Public Speaking)4/21/2023: SW Regional Rally at RCCC-North Campus in Salisbury, NC. (Parli Pro, Floriculture, Nursery Landscape, Forestry, Tool ID, Creed, Prepared, etc.)
Contact Information:
FFA Remind (Best way to get the MOST Up-to-date info)
Code: @mpmsffa
Instagram: @mt.pleasantmiddleffa