Furr, Ann
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Civil War Lessons and Activities
Curriculum Lessons along with additional selected lessons, all of which fit within our Civil War Goals for Elementary Students.
Quizlet Link: 5th Grade Science Vocabulary
5th grade science vocabulary. Please study the assigned unit and review previously covered units.
My Plate - USDA website
Team Nutrition provides MyPlate materials that are developed specifically for kids and their parents/caregivers.
Milk 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects
Milk is one of the most nutritious drinks in the world.
Broccoli 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
It is high in many nutrients, including a family of plant compounds called isothiocyanates, which may have numerous health benefits.
Cheese 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
Cheese is a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals.
Moderate consumption of cheese appears to have several beneficial health effects.
Beef 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Effects
Beef is a rich source of high-quality protein and various vitamins and minerals, and can be an excellent component of a healthy diet.
Branches of the North Carolina Government
Read about the Banches of the North Caolina Government.
Phases of the Moon WebQuest
The Moon changes shape every day. Sometimes you can see only part of the Moon. Other times, you can see the entire Moon. Why does this happen?The purpose of this WebQuest is to help you learn why we see phases of the Moon.
Flags of Our States Mini Pages
Learn about Flags of our states and use this information to answer questions on Part 2 of the NC Scavenger Hunt!
North Carolina from A to Z Mini Page
Use this link to help answer questions from Part 1 of the North Carolina Scavenger Hunt activity.
North Carolina State Symbols
A list of North Carolina State Symbols. Just click on the underlined words to see pictures of some of state symbols!