Grading Policy

  • Total Point System

    Student grades will be determined by the amount of points earned out of the total points possible.  Every assessment is worth 100 points.  The amount of points a student earns out of that assessment will determine the student’s grade.  For example, if a student earns 80 points out of the 100 possible points, his letter grade will be an 80%, which is a B.


    Each type of assessment will be counted a specific number of times within the grade book.  All homework assignments, ALEKS topics completion, class activities, and quick class assessments will be entered once into the grade book. Quizzes will be entered twice. Tests and projects will be entered three times. Below is an example of how a student’s grade will be calculated using this format.


    ·        Homework: 95, 96

    ·        Quizzes: 93

    ·        Test: 88

    ·        Project: 89

    Grade: 95+96+93+93+88+88+88+89+89+89 = 908 / 1000 = 90.8%

Last Modified on August 17, 2022