Mrs. Kelly Sinclair

Phone: 704-455-1331 Ext: 1608


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education Master's Degree in Educational Administration

Mrs. Kelly Sinclair

Biography:  I grew up in Ohio and attended Bowling Green State University.  I taught seventh grade science for four years at Bowling Green Junior High School while I earned a Master's Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision.  Before transferring to HiRMS the year it opened, I taught sixth grade science for four years at C.C. Griffin Middle School.  I now also get to teach math!  I am happily married, and I have a beautiful daughter and two wonderful stepsons.  I also have two adorable doggies.  I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, traveling, and boating.  Most importantly, I love teaching!

Homework Assignments

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    Go to your class Canvas Course to access your lessons and assignments.  Daily assignments will also be posted on the board in the front of the classroom.  You are responsible for recording the assignments in your agenda every day!


Last Modified on August 17, 2022