• Check-Out Procedures

    Students who leave campus during the school day must be checked out through the front office. Parents are requested to report to the office for this procedure and should have their driver's license or other Picture ID ready. Only people listed in the student's Power School contacts may check a student out of school. If a parent needs someone not listed to pick up their student, they must send a note or call the front office. Students will be called to the office after the parent has arrived for check-out and shown a valid ID. Students that are checked out before 12:30p.m. will be counted absent for the day unless they return to school and meet the 1/2 day attendance requirement. NO checkouts are allowed after 3:30p.m.

    Students are not allowed to leave campus without permission. Students who leave campus without permission or cut class will be subject to disciplinary action. Students are not allowed to walk to or from school; violators will face disciplinary action.


Last Modified on February 6, 2019