

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Debra James

Welcome Parents and Students,

I have been teaching Earth Environmental Science for the past seventeen years, and this is my eighth year at HRHS.  I really enjoy working with ninth graders because I have an opportunity to see them mature and grow as individuals throughout the school year.  I consider ninth grade to be the most important year of high school.  My hope is that my students will enjoy learning about the amazing planet we live on!  I am excited about beginning a new school year, and I look forward to working with you.  Please know that I will always be available to help your child, whether we are learning remotely or in the classroom.  

Students may access all course work and assignments using CANVAS.  You may access Canvas here or on the HRHS website.  I strongly believe that parental involvement is the key element to a student's success in high school.  Please understand that I want the best for your child and their future.  Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns throughout the semester.

We will use CANVAS and MICROSOFT TEAMS as our learning management software.  Please log into CANVAS on the school's web site and check it daily for updates. You can access Microsoft Teams using the link on the CANVAS Home Page.


Ms. James' Class Schedule for Fall 2022 

1st Block: Planning 

2nd Block: Earth Environmental Science

3rd Block: Honors Earth Environmental Science

4th Block: Earth Environmental Science


Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Science from NCSU

MAT in Secondary Science from UNCC



HRHS Phone Number: 704-260-6630


Last Modified on August 17, 2022