• HRHS Parking Regulations (2022-2023)

    Parking on the Hickory Ridge HS campus is considered a privilege for students. Each student who drives must buy his/her own parking pass. Students may not share a pass. Neither HRHS nor CCS assumes any responsibility for damage to private vehicles brought onto campus. All student drivers must be licensed and have appropriate auto insurance.


    Section I: Parking Rules

    1. Students must complete this parking registration form before purchasing a parking pass.
    2. Student drivers must attach a copy of their Driver’s License when submitting this form.
    3. Parking passes may be purchased (paid for) online at www.k12paymentcenter.com; in the Commons during lunches September 12-16, 2022; or from Mrs. Rienbeck in the Front Office after September 19, 2022. Only cash and checks are accepted at school.  All outstanding fees must be paid, and overdue books returned prior to receiving a Parking Pass.  If you pay for your Parking Pass online, attach a copy of your receipt to this form.
    4. All parking spots are $25.00. Students will be charged the regular price for parking no matter when they purchase their parking pass. If a student drives more than one vehicle, the student will need to purchase more than one parking pass.  All vehicles must be registered with the school. If you lose your parking pass or need to purchase a 2nd pass, you must purchase the additional parking pass for $10.
    5. There are no assigned student spaces.  Parking is first come, first served.
    6. All vehicles parked in the student lot on school grounds must be registered with the school and must display the current decal, affixed to the lower left corner of the windshield.
    7. There is to be no loitering in the parking lot or visitation of the same without permission. Once a student comes on campus, he/she must lock their vehicle and enter the building. No one is allowed in the parking lot during the school day without permission from administration.
    8. Once on school grounds, you are at school. The only way you may leave is to check out in the Attendance Office.
    9. Student vehicles are subject to search if there is reasonable suspicion to believe that drugs, alcohol, stolen property, or other contraband might be present in a vehicle.
    10. There is no student parking in any of the staff lots, spaces marked “Staff Only”, the visitor spaces, or on the grass or sidewalks. Park only in the student parking lot.
    11. Loss of parking privileges will be a consequence for excessive tardies and/or excessive unexcused absences.
    12. The speed limit on Raging Ridge Road is 25 mph and 10 mph in the HRHS Parking Lot.


    Section II: Parking Suspensions

    1. If a student’s parking privileges are suspended, he/she is not allowed to drive any vehicle on school grounds at any time.
    2. Students who drive to school and are consistently late to school may have their parking privileges suspended.
    3. If a student’s vehicle is used to skip school or help others violate school rules, all students involved will have their parking privileges suspended and will be subject to additional disciplinary measures.
    4. Failure to display a parking pass is a $25.00 fine.
    5. Sharing a parking pass will result in parking privileges being revoked.
    6. Parking violations (out of space, taking up two spaces, excessive speeding, and/or reckless driving behavior in the lot and/or Hickory Ridge campus streets) warrants a $25.00 fine and disciplinary actions.
    7. More than three parking violations results in parking privilege being suspended.
    8. All violations must be paid within 10 school days or you will lose driving privileges until paid.


    Section III: Additional Parking Notes

    1. Once passes go on sale in September, students are not allowed to drive to school until they have purchased and received a parking pass.
    2. When you drive an unregistered vehicle, you must report to the front office upon arrival. Inform an administrator or the office receptionist of your situation to avoid receiving a parking violation citation.


    Tom Smith, Assistant Principal


    HRHS Parking Regulations 21-22.pdf

Last Modified on November 10, 2022