“Screenagers” film screening open to community, Jan. 8


The Fairport Central School District will present a film screening on Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age Monday, Jan. 8 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at Minerva DeLand School, located at 140 Hulburt Road in Fairport. The event is free and open to all community members, parents and students in grades 5-12.


Welcome to our new website!

The Fairport Central School District has launched its new website, which began on Jan. 1. The website will further enhance communication efforts with the school community.

The new website integrates a responsive layout that adapts to different screen viewers, including smart phones, tablets and desktop computers, as well as multiple web browsers.


Parents & Community invited to participate in Future Planning focus groups, Nov. 20 & Dec. 4

As the Fairport Central School District has previously communicated, future planning initiatives are underway. With the University of Rochester as a partner, the District is creating a long term strategic plan that will articulate its expectations around Educational Programming, Fiscal Sustainability and Facilities Planning.

The District, along with a team from the University of Rochester’s Center for Education Reform,


Dudley/Northside’s ‘Fall Crawl’ raised more than $8,500 for Golisano Children’s Hospital

Students present Stephanie Sheets, of Golisano, with the donations from the Fall Crawl.

Dudley and Northside Schools recently completed its 4th Annual Fall Crawl to raise awareness and funds for Golisano Children’s Hospital. The two schools raised a total of $8,507.02 to benefit Golisano Children’s Hospital, surpassing last year’s $6,170 donation.

Four years ago when the Fall Crawl was started, the goal was to create an actionable way for students to help children in need,


Minerva DeLand & Fairport High school rank among top 10 high schools in Monroe County

Congratulations to Minerva DeLand and Fairport High School for being named a top ranking school by The New York State Quality Index school ranking. Minerva DeLand was rated #1 and FHS was rated #8 among Monroe County high schools.

“We celebrate with both Minerva DeLand and FHS for creating learning environments that are emblematic of all of our schools,” said Superintendent Brett Provenzano.


Parents & Community invited to participate in Future Planning focus groups, Nov. 20 & Dec. 4

As the Fairport Central School District has previously communicated, future planning initiatives are underway. With the University of Rochester as a partner, the District is creating a long term strategic plan that will articulate its expectations around Educational Programming, Fiscal Sustainability and Facilities Planning.

The District, along with a team from the University of Rochester’s Center for Education Reform,