Fairport Central School District

Students present Stephanie Sheets, of Golisano, with the donations from the Fall Crawl.

Dudley and Northside Schools recently completed its 4th Annual Fall Crawl to raise awareness and funds for Golisano Children’s Hospital. The two schools raised a total of $8,507.02 to benefit Golisano Children’s Hospital, surpassing last year’s $6,170 donation.

Four years ago when the Fall Crawl was started, the goal was to create an actionable way for students to help children in need, according to Northside Assistant Principal Erin Moretter.

“The generosity and spirit of our school community is incredible,” she said. “Beyond the charitable donations, this event connects with our core values as we always look for ways to teach and model kindness.”

Dudley’s Assistant Principal Ryan Charno shared Moretter’s sentiments. Additionally, he shared that the Fall Crawl event is especially dear to him since his family has personally benefited from the care of the doctors and nurses at Golisano Children’s Hospital.

“It is heartwarming to witness our young students bring in donations from their very own piggy banks, one student donated her entire earnings from a summer lemonade stand!” he shared. “We are extremely blessed to live in an area where we have access to state-of-the-art medical care and facilities. It is exciting to know that children will benefit directly from the generosity of our exceptional school community.”

Stephanie Sheets, assistant director of community affairs for Golisano Children’s Hospital, thanked the students for helping to make a difference for children.

“Kids helping kids is pretty incredible,” said Sheets. “Golisano Children’s Hospital is a hospital built and cared for by our community and the Fall Crawl shows this community support. Thanks to all students, who through this event have made a significant difference in the lives of many fellow kids – all of whom are cared for at Golisano Children’s Hospital.”