Fairport Central School District

FHS teams compete in Cornell University High School Computer Programming Contest

FHS CUHighSchoolComputerProgContest

Four teams representing 12 students from Fairport High School competed against teams from across New York state in the 6th annual Cornell University High School Computer Programming Contest on April 5.

Fairport’s teams are as follows:

Fairport 1

  • Leo Allen
  • Ian Dunn
  • Greg Herdzik

Fairport 2

  • David Munechika
  • Ray Fujita
  • Kade Carlson

Fairport 3

  • Kyle Embling
  • Ryan Baker
  • Zach Baker

Fairport 4

  • Anthony Lombardi
  • Greg Paiement
  • Sean Grzenda

All are currently in AP Computer Science or took the class last year.


Facilities planning meetings held to discuss potential capital projects, possible merger

Fairport Central School District held staff and community facilities planning meetings on March 25 and 26. These meetings focused on the progress of the strategic initiatives, facilities work suggested by the Building Condition Survey (BCS) and two possible capital project phases that could potentially go to vote in 2019 and 2022.


Two Fairport Odyssey of the Mind teams advance to world competition

Nine teams from Fairport Central School District competed in the Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament held on Saturday, March 23 in Binghamton, NY.  Two teams are moving on to the World Competition at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan on May 22-25, 2019 and five of Fairport’s teams finished in the top five.


Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week 2019 is underway

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After more than two decades of caring, the Fairport Central School District celebrates its 24th annual Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week from March 25-29. Each year an entire week is dedicated to Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week, a districtwide celebration that focuses on the values of Civility, Awareness of others, Respect, and Embracing differences (CARE). This year’s theme is “CARE Makes a Difference.”

The week kicked off on March 25 with the Family Talk assembly.


Community meetings about potential MD – FHS merger set for March 26 & April 3

Dear Fairport Community Members:

Facilities planning has been at the forefront of the District’s work this year.  The Board of Education and administration continue to discuss the possible merger of Minerva DeLand and the Fairport High School. We have been analyzing the educational and fiscal implications of a possible merger and the importance of having a comprehensive facilities plan to achieve our strategic initiatives.


Fairport High School students & teachers in NASA HUNCH to present prototypes in Houston

Thirteen (13) students in the Fairport High School’s United with NASA to Create Hardware (HUNCH) space research course have been selected to present their prototypes to NASA engineers and astronauts at Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas in mid-April.

The following students and teachers will travel to Houston April 15:

Teachers: Donna Himmelberg,


Annual District Art Show is March 21-April 3

The Fairport Central School District’s Annual K-12 District Art Show kicks off March 21 with the opening night from 4-6 p.m., with the show continuing through April 3 at the Perinton Square. The annual event celebrates the work of Fairport’s K-12 student artists.

District Art Show




Another successful Northside Family STEM Night!

NS FamilySTEMNight5

Northside School was buzzing with activity and excitement as hundreds of families attended the school’s 5th annual Family STEM Night on February 28. Attendees experienced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) exhibits run by community members, businesses and Northside parents and teachers.

Throughout the evening, attendees rotated through 24 stations offering interactive demonstrations ranging from exploring light optics,