Fairport Central School District

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After more than two decades of caring, the Fairport Central School District celebrates its 24th annual Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week from March 25-29. Each year an entire week is dedicated to Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week, a districtwide celebration that focuses on the values of Civility, Awareness of others, Respect, and Embracing differences (CARE). This year’s theme is “CARE Makes a Difference.”

The week kicked off on March 25 with the Family Talk assembly. Two Fairport High School seniors, Lauren Dragoone and Carly Payne, addressed hundreds in attendance and candidly shared their personal journeys. Payne spoke of her experiences as an older sister to two siblings with medical needs while Dragoone shared her personal struggles with mental health. Both came together to remind the high school students that they never know what someone else is going through and that it’s never too late to make a difference, even if you only have three months and two days left in your high school career.

The students were followed by Fairport High School Assistant Principal Dominic Monacelli. He shared his family’s story and the impact that the Fairport Family has had on his family as his son Wyatt battles leukemia. Monacelli encouraged the audience to invest in people, care for others and make a difference. Two of his children joined him to close out his talk, repeating their family mantra for the crowd.

Events are scheduled throughout the week, leading up to Outreach Day on Friday, March 29. More than 1,800 Minerva DeLand and Fairport High School students will disperse to the elementary buildings to connect with 2,500+ students and demonstrate CARE through role modeling.

The annual event illustrates Fairport’s commitment to provide all students a safe and supportive environment.

For a look into the Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week happenings, following #BHSHWeek on Twitter and check out the Facebook photo album by clicking here.