Fairport Central School District

Dear Fairport Community Members:

Facilities planning has been at the forefront of the District’s work this year.  The Board of Education and administration continue to discuss the possible merger of Minerva DeLand and the Fairport High School. We have been analyzing the educational and fiscal implications of a possible merger and the importance of having a comprehensive facilities plan to achieve our strategic initiatives.

We encourage you to join us for a community meeting on either one of the dates listed below where we will be sharing information about the possible merger and facilities planning:

  • Tues., March 26 at 7 pm in Room 512 at Fairport High School
  • Wed., April 3 at 7 pm in the Minerva DeLand auditorium

These conversations will impact future and current students. The Board of Education will have a final decision regarding a potential merger at the end of April. We hope you will attend one of these meetings so that you are informed about the potential merger of Minerva DeLand and Fairport High School and facilities planning.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools