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About Us


Mission Statement

Within the culturally and ethnically diverse community that is Copiague, the public schools occupy a unique position. It is our responsibility, in partnership with parents and the community, to enable every student to reach high levels of individual academic achievement, to acquire the sophisticated skills necessary for life and work, and to become informed, concerned citizens of a rapidly changing, interdependent society.


District Profile

The Copiague Public School District is composed of a multi-cultural population of approximately 5,000 students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. The school system consists of four elementary schools, one middle school for grades six through eight, and one high school for grades nine through twelve. Copiague Public School District prides itself on its ability to offer quality educational programs.




“To maintain and enhance stability and opportunities for children””

  • Pre-K-12 Teaching and Learning
    • Continue the work of managing ARP ESSER funds through the NYSED comprehensive review process.
    • Provide a comprehensive analysis of grant funded projects to inform sustainability planning and budgetary needs beyond the grant scope.
    • Pursue grants that align with the needs of the district.
    • Implement and enact practices as outlined in the CUFSD Professional Learning Plan 2023-2026.
    • Develop and execute a cohesive plan for the implementation of data driven instruction and instructional interventions for each major content area in the secondary grades.
    • Develop and execute systematic, data driven practices to inform the viability and effectiveness of Extended Day programs districtwide.
    • Address the social and emotional needs of our UPK students.


  • Fiscal and Support Operations
    • Implement and oversee budgets for all funds, including federal funds allocated to the District under the American Rescue Plan (ARP), while adhering to guidelines stipulated by New York State and the federal government.
    • Monitor spending, state aid and other revenue sources to project changes in fund balance.
    • Review, update, and implement internal control procedures to support efficient business office operations.
    • Provide facilities for students, staff, and the community that are safe, well maintained and aesthetically pleasing.
    • Review and update the District's Capital Improvement Plan.
    • Continue Farm to School Initiative to generate additional NYS reimbursement for meals served.
    • Maximize the Community Eligibility Provision to generate higher state and federal reimbursement for meals served.


  • Human Resources
    • Negotiate successor agreements to the current: Copiague Supervisory Association (Chairs/Coordinators/Directors); Copiague Association of Principals and Copiague Teacher Aides and Teaching Assistants' agreements.
    • Continue to expand our relationship with colleges and universities to encourage student teaching/student intern candidates to seek field-work experiences in: SWD, ESL and bilingual with the district.
    • Explore digital storage options for newly hired instructional/non-instructional staff personnel folders to eventually replace the paper-heavy existing folders.


  • Strategic Planning/Safety/Security
    • Support the transition of the newly hired Director of School Safety.
    • Continue the implementation of the new surveillance and door lock system district-wide.
    • Work with local law enforcement to enhance our current security protocols.
    • Retrain in "Stop the Bleed" protocols for all security, administrative and nursing staff; and provide updated kits/resources post-training.


  • Student Services
    • Redesign how the district delivers home instruction to students unable to attend school in person to improve instruction while lowering the cost to the district.
    • Provide opportunities for students to take part in career related activities, including expanded partnerships with local organizations, the Electrical Training Center of Copiague, and the Suffolk County Department of Labor.
    • Continue to enhance opportunities for high school special education students through the addition of work-based learning opportunities.
    • Work with our special education inclusion teachers and general education integrated teams to provide targeted professional development to maximize instruction to our students.
    • Continue the process of returning additional students to district based special education programs.
    • Review, revise, and update District Special Education Plan.
    • Increase opportunities for students to receive additional educational and social emotional support in each school building.
    • Increase school to home contact with families struggling with attendance, academic, and social emotional needs through outreach with attendance team members in consultation with building level attendance teams.
    • Complete the triennial review of the district's Wellness Plan with the assistance of a wellness committee composed of a broad representation of district stakeholders.


  • Technology
    • Provide parent and student trainings to enforce the importance of cybersecurity, digital citizenship and creating a positive digital footprint.
    • Create additional enrichment opportunities for students to further their technology skills outside of the classroom including coding, robotics, cybersecurity/hacking, etc.
    • Provide an Edcamp style professional development for staff based on their technology ability level and interest.
    • Participate in a self-evaluation of the district's cybersecurity utilizing the NIST framework.
    • Revamp our district website to streamline home school communications and provide improved accessibility to district information.


  •  Parents and Community
    • Reach out to community and school groups to highlight district budget, programs and events.
    • Maintain relationships with State and Federal Legislators to advocate for the district needs.
    • Investigate alternate methods of communication in order to increase parental involvement at all levels.


  • Districtwide
    • Hold a meet and greet with the Board as an informational session.
    • Continue "Pizza & Conversation" with the Board and high school students



“To maintain and enhance stability and opportunities for children””

  • Pre-K-12 Teaching and Learning
    • Continue the work of developing and implementing learning loss interventions through the management of ARP ESSER funding.  
    • Expand our practices in Data Driven Instruction across all grade levels and content areas.
    • Develop a structured instructional program for K-12 STEM based education.
    • Continue the work of developing and distributing guidance, support, and resources necessary for the successful implementation of the NYSED’s Next Generation ELA, Math, Social Studies and Science standards


  • Fiscal and Support Operations
    • Maintain a school-based budget model that complies with NYS Education Law and Federal ESSA Guidelines.
    • Implement and oversee budgets for funds allocated to the District under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act while adhering to guidelines stipulated by the federal government.
    • Develop revenue enhancements and cost efficiencies/reductions to support educational programs while working towards balancing the annual operating budget.
    • Investigate efficiencies in school operations through analysis of areas such as transportation, buildings and grounds, and insurance.
    • Coordinate with district architect to maximize state aid received for building projects.
    • Complete the design phase and begin implementation of planned capital improvements.
    • Develop the long-range facilities plan.


  • Human Resources
    • Continue to expand our relationship with colleges and universities to encourage student teaching/student intern candidates to seek field-work experiences for ESL and bilingual with the district.
    • Develop an online, paperless evaluation report program for all non-instructional employees.
    • Negotiate successor agreement to the current: School Nurses’ Unit; Supervisory Services Unit (Heads/Chiefs); Part-time Custodial Unit, and the Cafeteria Workers and Part-time Aides Unit.
    • Convene a discussion group of volunteer district employees to consider Staff Wellness Program opportunities.


  • Strategic Planning/Safety/Security
    • Train building level Assistant Principals in CPI and Restorative Practice, creating turn-key trainers for their respective buildings.
    • Continue the implementation of the new surveillance and door lock system district-wide, and work with local law enforcement to enhance our current security protocols.
    • Implement district-wide Social Emotional Growth programs for our students and implement supportive resources for our parents in the areas of: children’s mental health, supportive advocacy, and school community connections.


  • Student Services
    • Increase opportunities for students to receive additional educational and social emotional support in each school building.
    • Increase school to home contact with families struggling with attendance, academic, and social emotional needs through outreach with attendance team members in consultation with building level attendance teams.
    • Continue the process of returning additional students to district based special education programs.
    • Continue to enhance opportunities for high school special education students through the addition of work-based learning opportunities.
    • Complete the triennial review of the district’s Wellness Plan with the assistance of a wellness committee composed of a broad representation of district stakeholders.
    • Review, revise, and update District Special Education Plan.


  • Technology
    • Provide parent and student trainings to enforce the importance of cybersecurity, digital citizenship and creating a positive digital footprint for their future.
    • Create additional enrichment opportunities for students to further their technology skills outside of the classroom including coding, robotics, cybersecurity/hacking, etc.
    • Provide an Edcamp style professional development for staff based on their technology ability level and interest.


  •  Parents and Community
    • Continue to enhance the Community Summit to showcase district successes and align it with the Budget/Trustee vote.
    • Reach out to community and school groups to highlight district budget, programs and events.
    • Maintain relationships with State and Federal Legislators to advocate for fair funding.
    • Continue to increase parental involvement at all levels.


  • Districtwide
    • Hold “Coffee and Cake” with the Board as an informational session.



“To maintain and enhance stability and opportunities for children””

  • Pre-K-12 Teaching and Learning
    • Coordinate and implement a variety of K-12 student programs designed to address learning loss resulting from the COVID pandemic.
    • Continue the work of developing and distributing guidance, support, and resources necessary for the successful implementation of the NYSED’s Next Generation ELA, Math, Social Studies and Science standards.
    • Restructure our instructional support program for our UPK programs.
    • Expand our practices for addressing Data Security 2D regulations district wide.
    • Develop a comprehensive professional development plan that addresses district initiatives and mandates for staff training.


  • Fiscal and Support Operations
    • Maintain a school-based budget model that complies with NYS Education Law and Federal ESSA Guidelines.
    • Develop revenue enhancements and cost efficiencies/reductions to support educational programs while working towards balancing the annual operating budget.
    • Implement and oversee budgets for funds allocated to the District under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act while adhering to guidelines stipulated by the federal government.
    • Coordinate with district architect to maximize state aid received for building projects.
    • Investigate efficiencies in school operations through analysis of areas such as transportation, buildings and grounds, and insurance.
    • Complete the comprehensive energy audit portion of the Energy Performance Contract (EPC).
    • Execute the contract for the EPC.
    • Complete the five-year building condition survey (“BCS”).


  • Human Resources
    • Continue to support smooth leadership transitions at the Cabinet and building levels and provide mentoring as necessary.
    • Recruit and create additional opportunities for Copiague Leadership Academy.
    • Negotiate successor agreement to the current Copiague Clerical Unit contract.
    • Provide additional training and support for supervisors to enhance management of non-instructional personnel.


  • Strategic Planning/Safety/Security
    • Utilize certifications in CPI, Restorative Practice, and School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Project SAVE to retrain district staff for certification and for improved school climate.
    • Continue to design and implement district-wide safety and security measures as they apply to new technology and physical changes on school grounds to improve our day-to-day safety operations.


  • Student Services
    • Enhance transition opportunities for high school special education students.
    • Continue to explore feasibility of returning additional students to district based special education programs.
    • Review, revise, and update District Special Education Plan.
    • Increase opportunities for students to receive additional educational and social emotional support in each school building.
    • Increase school to home contact with families struggling with attendance, academic, and social emotional needs through outreach with additional attendance team members.
    • Enhance procedures focusing on tracking data collection for immunization, patterns of illness, allergies, body mass index and attendance.


  • Technology
    • Provide professional development to teachers, staff, and students on expanding the use of our 1:1 Chromebook initiative in the classroom.
    • Provide parent trainings to help keep them informed and up-to-date on how to assist their child(ren) with technology tools.
    • Use technology to expand students’ knowledge on digital citizenship and create a positive digital footprint.


  •  Parents and Community

    • Continue to enhance the Community Summit to showcase district successes.
    • Reach out to community and school groups to highlight district budget, programs and events.
    • Reinforce relationships with State and Federal Legislators to advocate for fair funding.


  • Districtwide

    • Hold “Coffee and Cake” with the Board as an informational session.






“To maintain and enhance stability and opportunities for children in a fiscally challenging environment”

  • Reopening/Reentry
    • Create and implement a comprehensive School District Re-Entry Plan utilizing the ten component Functional Team Planning.
    • Strategically plan classroom seating district wide to ensure appropriate social distancing and effective classroom instruction.
    • Re-examine all arrival/dismissal procedures and consider utilizing multiple locations to ensure effective social distancing district wide.
    • In response to the predicted, “COVID slide”, develop and implement a district wide plan to support data driven instruction.
    • Expand implementation of processes to engage students in age-appropriate hygiene/health promoting behaviors that prevent illness.
    • Review alternative delivery of Pupil Personnel supports and services while social distancing.


  • Pre-K-12 Teaching and Learning
    • Continue the work of developing and distributing guidance, support and resources necessary for the successful implementation of the NYSED’s Next Generation ELA, Math, Social Studies and Science standards.
    • Review, revise and implement a plan for literacy intervention at the Middle School level.
    • Expand upon K-12 technology use by promoting and providing training in “best practices” for instructional technology integration in a 1-1 hybrid setting.
    • Continually analyze and evaluate on-line instruction to maximize student learning.


  • Fiscal and Support Operations
    • Develop and implement a school-based budget model that complies with NYS Education Law and Federal ESSA Guidelines.
    • Develop revenue enhancements and cost efficiencies/reductions in order to support educational programs while working towards balancing the annual operating budget.
    • Complete the integration of the District’s student information system (e-School Data) and transportation software (Transfinder).
    • Investigate efficiencies in school operations through analysis of areas such as transportation, buildings and grounds, recycling, insurance and a possible energy performance contract.


  • Human Resources
    • Continue to support smooth leadership transitions and provide mentoring as necessary.
    • Re-vision staff recruitment efforts to meet the needs of our evolving student demographics in a remote/distanced environment.
    • Continue to expand our teacher/administrator recruitments efforts into non-traditional settings.
    • Create a discussion group, comprised of district employees, to consider Staff Wellness Program opportunities as they relate to COVID-19 recovery.
    • Continue to encourage student teaching candidates to seek field-work experiences for ESL and Bilingual with the district within the new COVID-19 framework.


  • Strategic Planning/Safety/Security
    • Utilize certifications in CPI, Restorative Practice, and School Violence Prevention and Intervention/Project SAVE to retrain district staff for certification and for improved school climate.
    • Continue to design and implement district-wide safety and security measures as they apply to new technology, physical changes on school grounds and suggestions from our security consulting firm to improve our day to day safety operations.
    • Continue to build collaborative relationships with local law enforcement and Suffolk County Homeland Security to combat potential threats including expanding the Suffolk County Police Department’s drug, alcohol, tobacco and cyberbullying programs.
    • Develop a district wide action plan to implement Restorative Practices to reduce discipline, improve student relationships and improve school community.


  • Student Services
    • Continue to explore feasibility of returning additional students to district based special education programs.
    • Enhance procedures focusing on tracking data collection for immunizations, patterns of illness, allergies, Body Mass Index (BMI) and attendance.
    • Collaborate with the Director of Special Education to ensure successful partnerships with all stakeholders.
    • Review, revise, and update District Special Education plan in collaboration with Director of Special Education.
    • Identify increased social/emotional needs of students and work to enhance mental health intervention strategies and supports for all students.


  • Technology
    • Implement a 1:1 Chromebook Initiative K-12.
    • Ensure the full implementation of the Data Security 2D regulations district wide.
    • Expand upon K-12 technology use by promoting and providing virtual trainings in Google Classroom on various instructional technology integration tools.


  • Parents and Community
    • Continue to enhance the Community Summit to showcase district successes.
    • Reach out to community and school groups to highlight district programs and events.
    • Reinforce relationships with State and Federal Legislators to advocate for fair funding.


  • Districtwide
    • Hold “Coffee and Cake” with the Board as an informational session.


Facts and Figures

• Full-day kindergarten.
• High School Regents Diploma Rate of 93%
• Annual attendance rate of 94%.
• Strong Regents and Advanced Placement for high school students.
• After-school child care program.
• Comprehensive interscholastic athletic program for students in grades 7-12.


Points of Pride



  • Four student-musicians from Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School were selected to participate in New York State School Music Association’s All-State Festival in Rochester, New York, from Dec. 5-8.
  • Students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes at Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School achieved high marks both in the classroom and on exams. The College Board recently recognized 63 current seniors and Class of 2019 graduates as Advanced Placement Scholars.
  • Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School was recently awarded gold partnership status by Junior Achievement of New York. Based on the work done by students in Colleen Gurnter’s social studies leadership class last year – including expanding their participation and programs and partnering with other school districts.
  • Twelve student-musicians from Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School were chosen to participate in the Suffolk County Music Educators’ Association’s Division IV All-County performing ensembles.
  • On Oct. 20, Copiague Middle School’s builders club joined thousands of other people at the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Jones Beach State Park. The members of the builders club have raised more than $2,000.
  • Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School’s DECA Club participated at the New York State Regional DECA Competition on Jan. 8 at Suffolk Community College in Selden. There were more than 1,500 DECA students from various high schools in Suffolk County participating in the competition.



Points of Pride 2018-2019


  • For successful completing the requirements of Advanced Placement courses and excelling on the exams, a total of 64 students from Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School – current and Class of 2018 graduates – have received AP Scholar Awards.
  • Four students-musicians from Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School have been selected to participate in the New York State School Music Association’s All State Ensembles in Rochester from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2. The district congratulates the following students: Kyree Scott (tenor I, mixed chorus); Allison Reyes (alto II, mixed chorus); Andy Szabo (bass I, mixed chorus); and Darley Senat (soprano I, mixed chorus).
  • Copiague was one of seven districts to receive back to school supplies thanks to United Way’s Stuff-A-Bus. A bus full of supplies pulled up to the district’s administrative building on the morning of Sept. 7 and was packed with boxes of school supplies for district students.



Points of Pride 2017-2018


  • The district congratulates the Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School graduating Class of 2018 top 10 students: Alexandra Saczawa (valedictorian); Samantha Sanchez (salutatorian); Kelly Cheung (third); Osazuwa Eghafona (fourth); Ivan Gonzales (fifth); Davina Smith (sixth); Jennifer Lopez-Fernandez (seventh); Telisa Washington (eighth); Belen Morote (ninth); and Giuseppe Dattolo (10th).
  • The College Board recognized 65 current students and Class of 2017 graduates as Advanced Placement Scholars.
  • Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School student Taylor Sharpe-Adams was selected to New York State School Music Association’s All-State Chorus as an alternate.
  • Ten juniors and seniors from Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School were selected to 2017 Suffolk County Music Educators’ Association All-County Division IV Ensembles for the fall. These students performed in concert with their chosen ensembles on Nov. 17 at Hauppauge High School.
  • United Way’s Stuff-A-Bus delivered more than 75 boxes filled with school supplies for Copiague students. Members of the middle school’s Builders Club helped unload, sort and distribute the boxes.
  • Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School educators Jean Ann Crespo and Nicholas Lorenzen were named Master Teachers by Gov. Cuomo’s office.
  • Two students from Susan E. Wiley Elementary School were named winners in the Town of Babylon’s Veterans Awareness Week Essay contest. Fourth-grader Devin Trinca was awarded first place and a $100 gift card for his essay. Third-grader Hunter Legette took second place and received a $75 gift card for his submission.
  • The students, staff and administrators at Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School started a chain reaction of kindness in their school, local community and beyond, thanks to Rachel’s Challenge.
  • Members of the Copiague Middle School Ecology Club were recognized for their cleanup efforts in their local community. Through the Town of Babylon Adopt-A-Highway program, the club has adopted Taylor Avenue – the road next to their school and administrative offices – and pledged to keep it litter-free.
  • In recognition of breast cancer awareness month, the Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School volleyball team and Varsity Club teamed up to raise money for the cause. On Oct. 11, the two organizations held a pink pumpkin fundraiser and bake sale and raised more than $700 to donate to the Side-Out Foundation.
  • Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 9267 presented an award to Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School ninth-grader Kenneth Tejada. Tejada was named the winner for his submission in the Knights of Columbus’ annual poster contest for alcohol awareness in the 12-14 age group.
  • Copiague Middle School sixth-graders attended the sixth semiannual antibullying campaign conference at Hofstra University on Oct. 18. The sixth-grade students listened to guest speakers who discussed a range of topics on bullying. They also attended a workshop/breakout session where they discussed different ideas to bring back to their school.
  • Walter G. O’Connell Copiague High School clubs came together to support victims of Hurricane Maria on Oct. 20. The school held a Zumba fundraiser thanks to the efforts of members of the Conciencia Latina, Key Club, S.O.U.L, Spanish Club, Madrigals and Global Ambassadors. The clubs sold food, water and tickets and collected canned foods and other essentials for donation. They also conducted different activities throughout the evening. The event raised $3,415 for the Hispanic Federation Fund-UNIDOS Hurricane Relief Fund.
  • Third-graders in Kaileen Spadaro’s class at Great Neck Road Elementary School remembered local heroes for Veterans Day. The class crafted cards and wrote letters to veterans, thanking them for their service using descriptive vocabulary words such as protective, caring, helpful, fearless, courageous and fighter. The cards were delivered to veterans at Broadlawn Manor Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center in Amityville.
  • In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, the Copiague Middle School Builders Club walked at the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk at Jones Beach, where they raised $2,709 to be donated to the American Cancer Society.

Around the Schools

Copiague Connection Newsletters

2023-2024 School Year

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Summer 2023 Newsletter


2022-2023 School Year

Spring 2023 Newsletter (PDF)

Winter 2023 Newsletter (PDF)

Fall 2022 Newsletter (PDF)

Summer 2022 Newsletter (PDF)


2021-2022 School Year

Spring 2022 Newsletter (PDF)

Budget 2022 Newsletter (PDF)

Winter 2022 Newsletter (PDF)

Fall 2021 Newsletter (PDF)

Summer 2021 Newsletter (PDF)


2020-2021 School Year

Spring 2021 Newsletter (PDF)

Winter 2021 Newsletter (PDF)

Guidance Video

Fall 2020 (PDF)

Summer 2020 Newsletter (PDF)


2019-2020 School Year

Winter 2020 Newsletter (PDF)
Fall 2019 Newsletter 
Summer 2019 Newsletter 

2018-2019 School Year

Budget 2019 Newsletter (PDF)
Spring 2019 Newsletter (PDF)
Winter 2019 Newsletter (PDF)
Fall 2018 Newsletter 
Summer 2018 Newsletter (PDF)

2017-2018 School Year

2018 Spring Newsletter (PDF)
2017 Fall Newsletter 
2017 Summer Newsletter 

2016-2017 School Year

2017 Winter Newsletter (PDF)
2016 Fall Newsletter
2016 Summer Newsletter 

2015-2016 School Year

Proposed 2016-17 Budget Newsletter (PDF)
2016 Spring Newsletter
2016 Winter Newsletter
2015 Fall Newsletter (PDF)
2015 Summer

2014-2015 School Year

2015 Spring (PDF)
2015 Spring (Videos)

2015 Winter (PDF)

2014 Fall II (PDF)

2014 Fall I 

2014 Bond 

2014 Summer (PDF)

2013-2014 School Year
2014 Budget 

2014 Spring (PDF)

2014 Winter (PDF)

2013 Fall (PDF)

2013 Summer (PDF)

2012-2013 School Year
2013 Budget (PDF)

2013 Spring

2013 Winter (PDF)

2012 Fall (PDF)

2012 Summer (PDF)

2011-2012 School Year

2012 Budget(PDF)

2012 Spring (PDF)

2012 Winter 

2011 Fall (PDF)

2010-2011 School Year

2011 Summer 

2011 Budget Newsletter (PDF)

2011 Spring (PDF)

2011 Winter (PDF)

2010 Fall (PDF)


Older Versions

Budget 2010 (PDF) Spring 2010 (PDF)
Winter 2010 (PDF) Fall 2009 (PDF)
Summer 2009 (PDF) Spring 2009 (PDF)
Budget 2009 (PDF) Fall 2009 (PDF)
Winter 2009 (PDF) Fall 2007 2nd Ed. (PDF) 
Summer 2008 (PDF)  Spring 2007 (PDF) 
Spring 2008 (PDF) Summer 2007 (PDF)
Budget 2008 (PDF)  Winter 2006/07 (PDF)
Winter 2008 (PDF)  Fall 2007 1st Ed. (PDF)