Multiple Content Areas

  •  screenshot of DoGoodery page


    Library of lesson plans based around movies that are on Amazon Prime - with appropriate clips included! Find the email to request permission for full-film viewing if necessary, too.

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  •  screenshot of OER commons homepage

    Open Educational Resources

    Open Educational Resources are created by educators, for educators. Explore this massive library of quality resources - from labs and lessons to diagrams and documents - that support your curriculum.

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  • Discovery Education

    A multi-use platform with information and tools for both student and teacher learning, Discovery Education is a powerhouse for any content area or professional development.

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  • Google Arts & Culture

    Fabulous collection of resources on events, people, art, museums, historical places...good for overviews or deep dives.

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Social Studies


Language Arts


  • Open Middle

    Search hundreds of math problems that get students thinking - and proving their mastery - at various levels of topics.

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  • PhET Simulations

    Online simulations illustrate math concepts in student-friendly visual ways.

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  • YouCubed - Jo Boaler

    Rethink the way your students (and you) do math with Jo Boaler's revolutionary way of thinking about math. This links to the Tasks page, but take time to explore the whole site!

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  • Math News for Students

    Math topic page of Science News for Students - real, current, in-depth STEM news adapted for a student audience.

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Last Modified on March 15, 2022